Heloisa Vieira da Rocha

Email: heloisa@dcc.unicamp.br


Postal Address:

Institute of Computing

Campinas State University - UNICAMP

Cx.P 6176

13083-970 - Campinas, SP - BRAZIL


+55 (19) 788-5866

+55 (19) 788-5847 (FAX)


Research Interests:

Artificial Intelligence applied to Education

Informatics in Education

WEB-based Distance Education

Analysis, design and evaluation of Human-Computer Interfaces


Current Positions:


        Professor at the Institute of Computing - UNICAMP

        Researcher at the Center for Informatics Applied to Education - LOW -Unicamp

        Coordinator of the Core of Informatics Applied to Education - LOW -Unicamp

        Coordinator of TelEduc Project - Technology Development for Distance Learning - IC-NIED / Unicamp (Project first placed in the category Research and Development - ABED / EMBRATEL 2002) (text_descriptiveof the project doc.zip)



Recently Taught Courses


MC750 - Design and Construction of Human-Computer Interfaces (2s2003,1s2003, 2s1998)

MP106 - User Interface Design

MO642 / MC929 - Artificial Intelligence and Education - 1s1999

MC906- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence- 2s1999

MO827 / MC926 - Special Topics in ES - Evaluation of Interfaces- 1s2000


Other projects

Projeto Hag Que - Comic Book Editor (http://www.nied.unicamp.br/~hagaque)


Full curriculum in Lattes format

Last updated on September 24, 2003, by Heloisa