According to General Regulations for Postgraduate Courses at Unicamp :

Article 15 - At the request of the supervisor and after analysis by the Postgraduate Commission - CPG, the student whose enrollment was canceled due to an overdue term may, exceptionally, enroll only once, exclusively for the defense of a dissertation or thesis, which must be made within six months after its reclosure, provided that, cumulatively, it fulfills the following requirements:

I - has completed all credits;

II - has passed the foreign language exam (s);

III - has passed the Qualification Exam;

IV - has completed the writing of the dissertation or thesis, with a certificate from the advisor that he has completed all the requirements and is in a position to defend himself.

Sole Paragraph - Enrollment in subjects in the regular academic period to which this entry refers is prohibited.

The advisor must request the reconnection through a letter to the CPG/IC, containing the date of the defense and justifying that this condition is due to Article 15 of the General Rules of Postgraduate Courses at UNICAMP.

– Template letter for Reclosure.