Welcome to my webpage!

Wer bin ich? I am a professor of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Campinas (Unicamp). I hold a Ph.D. and an MSc degree in Computer Engineering from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), and I have a bachelor on Computer Science from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), partially executed at University of Leeds. I am coordinator of the Laboratory of Robotics and Cognitive Systems (LaRoCS) at Unicamp. For the complete CV, click here. My research focus on:

If you are a motivated person interested on one of these areas (or something related to) ... don't hesitate on contacting me. You can email me your CV!

my current work

I am currently the vice coordinator of the National Robotics Fair (MNR) - the public and free initiative supported by CNPq that takes robotics to students all around the country.

I am a trustee and former president of RoboCup Brazil (2010-2015), member of the Organizing committee of the Brazilian Robotics Competition (Brazilian Robotics Competition - CBR) and founding-member and council of the Brazilian Robotics Olympiad 🇧🇷 I am also Director of Scientific Competitions of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).


have a look