MO434 - Deep Learning

Computing Institute (IC / Unicamp)
Prof. Sandra Avila (


Time and Place: Mondays, from 14h to 16h. Classes will take place via Google Meet, with some classes being held synchronously and others asynchronously. For all synchronous classes, the videos of the classes will be made available later. Classes will start on September 21st / 2020.

Waiters The opening hours will be provided by the teacher and PED Tito Rezende in the attendance classes or by Slack (

Course Program: Introduction to Deep Learning, [Deep] Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Architectures, Training, Recurring Neural Networks (RNNs), Transformers, Detection and Segmentation, Adevrary Generative Networks, Visualization Techniques and Model Interpretation , FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics) in AI.

Programming language: The programming language used in the course is Python. Tools: Keras & TensorFlow, PyTorch.

Assessment: The evaluation will be based on the proposed activities and practical projects, being:

Submission of Activities: All course activities must be submitted via Google Classroom.

Evaluation Delivery Dates: The dates below are subject to change.


References: The teacher will not follow a specific textbook, however, the following books cover what will be seen in class: