MC102 - Computer Algorithms and Programming

Computing Institute (IC / Unicamp)
Prof. Sandra Avila (


Important Notices:

Days, Times and Locations:

Class Type Day of the week Timetable Sala
Theoretical (KLMN classes) Wednesday 14am – 16pm Google Meet
Theoretical (KLMN classes) Friday 14am – 16pm Google Meet
Laboratory (class K) Away 14am – 16pm Google Meet
Laboratory (class L) Away 14am – 16pm Google Meet
Laboratory (class M) Away 16am – 18pm Google Meet
Laboratory (class N) Away 16am – 18pm Google Meet

Programming language: Python, version 3.

Waiters This offer of MC102 has the collaboration of several graduate students (PEDs) and undergraduate students (PADs) who act as monitors (s). The monitor (s) of the discipline are:

Course Program:

Rating criteria: The evaluation will be carried out through practical tasks, that is, Python programs that should be implemented and submitted for automatic correction through the Susy.

Practical tasks will be proposed, which should be carried out by the students. The developed programs will be tested with a predetermined set of tests, subdivided into open tests (which can be accessed by students) and closed tests (which cannot). The grade of each practical activity will be proportional to the number of tests, open or closed, that they perform correctly.

Together with the statement of each practical task, the weight $ P_i $ ∈ {$ 1, 2, 3, 4 $} of that task will be indicated. The average of the practical tasks ($ P $) will be the weighted average of the grades of the tasks.

The final average $ F $ and the situation of each student will be defined according to the following rules.


  1. There will be no substitute practical activities.
  2. Practical assignments will be made available on Monday mornings and will be available for at least 3 weeks (until Sunday night).
  3. Any attempt at fraud in practical activities will result in a final score of $ F = 0 $ (zero) for all persons involved, without prejudice to other sanctions. Examples of fraud:
    • Copying or purchasing programs.
    • Submission of programs that produce the expected outputs of open tests by comparing sections of the input, without actually implementing the algorithms requested in practical tasks.
  4. Cases of attempted fraud in practical tasks can be detected automatically among all submissions (of all students), among all classes) throughout the semester.
  5. All fraud detection cases automatically detected will be checked manually by the discipline coordinator. All those involved in confirmed fraud attempts will be notified by the end of the semester.
  6. The practical activity notes will be published on the discipline website up to a maximum of one week after the deadline for submission of tasks.
  7. According to General Graduation Regulations, the students must have a frequency greater than or equal to 75% for approval, but as this course will be conducted online, there will be no presence control (100% attendance will be attested to all ( enrolled students.
  8. According to the formula above, if one (one) student is approved after taking the final exam, her final grade will be $ F = 5 $ (five).


Important dates:

Recommended Sites: The websites listed below provide additional information to the topics covered in class.