Instances for the Vertex Separator Problem (VSP) (by V. F. Cavalcante and C. C. de Souza)
author = {V. F. Cavalcante and C. C. de Souza},
title = {Test Instances for the Vertex Separator Problem ({VSP})},
howpublished = {{\tt\raisebox{-0.6ex}{\~{ }}cid/Problem-instances/VSP.html}},
There are 142 data files corresponding to VSP test instances available
All of these instances are solved in
"The vertex separator problem:
algorithms and computations"
(see reference details in References
The format of these data files is:
b value, number of nodes (n), number of edges
for each node i (i = 1,...,n) in turn: 'v', node, node cost
for each edge (i,j) (i,j=1,...,n, i < j) in turn: 'e', i, j, edge cost
The results presented just below were extracted from the paper "The vertex separator problem: algorithms and computations" (see References section).