Heiko Hornung

About Me

Headshot of Heiko Hornung

Update (1 June 2018): I am currently on a personal leave of absence and don't take on new students.

I'm an assistant professor at the Institute of Computing at the University of Campinas (Unicamp). I received a PhD in 2013 and an MSc degree in 2008, both in Computer Science, and both from Unicamp. I hold a "Diplom" (roughly equivalent to an MSc) in "Wirtschaftsinformatik" (Business Informatics) from TU Darmstadt. My research focus is mainly on Human-Computer Interaction and Interaction Design, investigating how people use technology to interact with each other. At the moment, I'm mostly interested in the pragmatics of interaction, i.e. in how people express and understand intentions mediated by technology.



2nd semester

  • MC750: Construção de Interfaces Homem-Computador (enrolled students access slides, assignments, etc. on Google Classroom)

1st semester

  • MO645/MC986: Projeto de Interfaces de Usuário (enrolled students access slides, assignments, etc. on Google Drive)


2nd semester

1st semester


2nd semester

1st semester


Examples of previous work, including unfinished stuff and student work. Most are rough ideas and proofs of concept, some have been developed further and published elsewhere. A complete list of my scientific publications can be found in my Currículo Lattes (partly in Portuguese).


Heiko Hornung
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas (Unicamp)
Av. Albert Einstein, 1251
Cidade Universitaria
13083-852 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
