Aulas: terças e quintas-feiras às 14hs na sala CC52
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27/10 - Lista de Exercícios
Notas da prova. Revisão da prova no dia 27/11 das 14h00 às 16h00 na sala 68 do IC-2.
[1] Jean-Philippe Vasseur and Adam Dunkels. 2010. Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP: The Next Internet. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA.
[2] Zach Shelby and Carsten Bormann. 2010. 6LoWPAN: The Wireless Embedded Internet. Wiley Publishing.
[3] Jim Kurose and Keith Ross. 2012. Computer Networking a Top Down Approach. Addison-Wesley, 6th edition.
Artigos científicos recomendados durante as aulas.
Data | Tópicos (slides) | Recursos Adicionais |
02/08 | Course Overview. IoT Definition. Main challenges. | [1] - Chapter 1 |
07/08 | Event: SECOMP | |
09/08 | Event: SECOMP | |
14/08 | Computer Networks Review. Wireless Networks Review. | [3] - Chapter 1 |
16/08 | Wireless Networks Review. | |
21/08 | WPANs: LiFi (IEEE 802.15.7) and Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1). | |
23/08 | WPANs: IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee. | |
28/08 | IPv6 and 6LowPAN. | [1] - Chapters 3,4,15,16. [2] - Chapter 1 |
30/08 | IEEE 802.11 e IEEE 802.11ah. | |
04/09 | Discussão sobre o estudo "Internet das Coisas: um plano de ação para o Brasil". | |
06/09 | Project discussion | |
11/09 | Event: ForAGRI | |
13/09 | Low Power WAN and LoraWAN | |
18/09 | Project discussion | |
20/09 | LTE and 5G | |
25/09 | Transport and Application Protocols | |
27/09 | Project discussion | Report template |
02/10 | Interoperability Frameworks | |
04/10 | IoT, Big Data, the Cloud, and the Fog | |
09/10 | Project discussion | |
11/10 | Project discussion | |
16/10 | Hands-on class (Room 305) | |
18/10 | Project discussion | |
23/10 | Exam | |
25/10 | Project discussion | |
30/10 | Event: Smart Campus Unicamp | |
01/11 | Project presentations: Luciano, Wilson, Mario e Flavio. | |
06/11 | Project presentations: Anderson e Ricardo, Thiago e Denis, Marcelo | |
08/11 | Event: WTD | |
13/11 | Project presentations: Lahis e Diogo, Amaury, Rafael e Camila | |
22/11 | Project presentations: Giuliano, Paulo e Veruska |