
Nelson Luis Saldanha da Fonseca received his Electrical Engineer (1984) and MSc in Computer Science (1987) degrees from The Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the MSc (1993) and Ph.D. (1994) degrees in  Computer Engineering from The University of Southern California. “He received the title "Livre Docente” (habilitation)  in Computer Networks from the State University of Campinas in 1999.

He is a full professor at the Institute of Computing at the State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil. He has been affiliated with the Institute of Computing since 1995.  Currently, he serves as the Research Dean. He was Head of the Computer Systems Department and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies. He was a Visiting Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the University of Trento, the University of Pisa, and the University of Basque Country. He held Lecturer positions at Pontifical Catholic University (1985 - 1987)  and worked in the Computer Communications group at IBM Rio Scientific Center (1989).

His current research interests are 6G/5G networks, Cellular IoT, Artificial intelligence applied to Networks and Distributed Systems, Elastic Optical Networks, Fog Computing, and Edge intelligence. Nelson has also worked in Video services, Scheduling, Grid and Cloud Computing, Traffic Control and Traffic Modeling.

Nelson Fonseca has published over 500 refereed papers. He received the IEEE ComSoc  Transmission, Access Optical Systems Technical Committee Best Paper Award (2014), the IEEE Globecom 2012 Best Paper Award, and the IEEE Latincom 2011 Best Paper Award.

He has supervised over 90 graduate theses and dissertations, and his graduate students received fifteen awards in Brazilian and Latin American thesis and Dissertation contests.

He served as an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer. He received the IEEE Communications Society Education Award, IEEE Communications Society Harold Sobol Award for Exemplary Services to Meetings and Conferences,  the IEEE Communications Society Joseph LoCicero Award for Exemplary Service to Publications, the IEEE Communications Society Latin America Region Distinguished Service Award, the Medal of the Chancellor of the University of Pisa (2007), the 2018 and 2003 State University of Campinas Zeferino Vaz award for academic productivity in Computer Science, the Elsevier Computer Network Journal Editor of the Year 2001 award. As a student, he also received the 1994 University of Southern California International Book Award and the Brazilian Computer Society First Thesis and Dissertations Award.

He was Keynote Speaker for the conferences IEEE ICC 2022 YOUNG ENGINEERS & SCIENTISTS (I-YES), IEEE CAMAD (2020), IEEE ANTS Workshops (2020), TopNet 2020, ITC-27, LANOMS 2019, UNSA/IEEE ICOMM 2019,, IEEE ColCom 2016, IEEE Cloudnet 2015, IEEE NOMS 2014, IEEE LATINCOM 2013, IEEE ANDESCOM 2006, IWT 2007, Wperfromance, SBRT 2003. He also delivered courses in the IEEE ComSoc First Summer School (Trento, 2015), IEEE ComSoc Third Summer School (Albuquerque, 2017), 1st IEEE Summer School on Smart Cities (Natal, 2017), and IET Digital Summer School (Bologna, 2019). He delivered tutorials at several major international conferences, such as IEEE ICC and IEEE GLOBECOM.

He is ComSoc's President-Elect and the chair of the ComSoc Strategic Planning Committee. He served as the IEEE ComSoc Vice President for Conferences (2022-2023), IEEE ComSoc Vice President Technical and Education Activities (2018-2019), Vice President Publications (2016-2017),   Vice President for Member Relations (2012-2013) and as elected Member at Large of the IEEE ComSoc Board of Governors (2009-2011). He served as IEEE ComSoc Director for Conference Development (2020-2021 and 2014-2015), Director for Latin America (2008-2009), Director for On-Line Services (2002-2003), and Chair of the IEEE ComSoC Communications Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee (2005-2007), and Chair of IEEE Comsoc Technical Committee on Multimedia Communications (2006-2008). 

He served Senior Technical Editor for the IEEE Communications Magazine and served as Senior Technical Editor for the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. He was  EiC for IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (2008-2012). He served as EiC of the IEEE Communications Society Electronic Newsletter (2004-2007), Associate EiC of  IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (2006), and Editor of the Global Communications Newsletter (1999-2002). He is on the editorial board of  Computer Networks, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, the  IEEE Communications Magazine, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, the Journal of Internet Services and Applications, the Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society and the International Journal of Communication Systems. He served as Associate Editor for IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (1999-2004), for the Brazilian Journal of Telecommunications (2001-2004), and for the Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (2002-2007). He co-edited Teletraffic Engineering in the Internet Era, Elsevier, 2001. He organized several special issues for the Computer Networks Journal, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Communications Magazine, Journal of the Brazilian Telecommunications Society, and Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society.

Dr. Fonseca created the IEEE Networking Letters, the IEEE Communications Society Student Competition, the NFV-SDN Conference,  the IEEE Latin America Conference on Communications, the IEEE Latin-America Conference on Cloud Computing and Communications as well as the Multimedia Communications Series of Symposium in IEEE Globecom and IEEE ICC. He was the General Chair of IEEE Globecom 2022. He was TPC Co-Chair for IEEE WCNC 2019 and IEEE ICC 2016. He co-chaired the QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling Symposium (IEEE ICC2010, ICC2009, ICC 2008, ICC 2007, IEEE ICC 2006, IEEE ICC 2004, IEEE ICC 2003) , IEEE ICC 2005 Next Generation Networks for Universal Services and IEEE GLOBECOM 2004 General Symposium. He was the Technical Chair of the 2008 Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and the chair of the 2003 Brazilian Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communications Systems.  He was Vice-Technical Chairman of the International Teletraffic Congress 17 (2001), chairman of the 7th IEEE Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Design and Analysis of  Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD'98), vice-chair of CAMAD2000, vice-chair of IEEE Globecom'99 Multimedia Technology and Services Symposium.

Full Curriculum Vitae (stored on the Brazilian Lattes Platform)


E-mail: nfonseca@ic.unicamp.br

Address: Instituto de Computação
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Av Albert Einstein 1251
Room 32
13083-852 Campinas, SP - Brazil