25 set 2020
09:00 Master's Defense Fully distance
Efficient Protocols for V2V Communication in Named Data Vehicle Networks
Lucas Borges Rondon
Advisor / Teacher
Leandro Aparecido Villas
Brief summary
The efficient distribution of content on a large scale in vehicular networks (VANETs) is a challenging task due to the intrinsic characteristics of VANETs, ​​such as highly dynamic topology and intermittent connectivity. In this context, the Vehicle Named Data Networks (VNDN) stand out, which consists of the integration of the NDN (Named Data Networking) architecture in VANETs, ​​to overcome the limitations in the distribution of content in VANETs. Consequently, VNDN has the following characteristics: (i) communication is centered on content; (ii) content routing can be performed through multiple communication interfaces; (iii) has content storage on the network and (iv) supports mobility. In this way, communication between vehicles occurs through exchanges of Interest and Data packages, in which such packages use the content name as the main element of the network. However, the integration of the NDN architecture in the VANETs creates the problem of broadcast storm in the cache discovery process. This ends up resulting in packet collisions, packet losses, delays in retrieving content, wasting resources and degrading network performance. Faced with this challenge of integrating the NDN architecture in VANETs, ​​this dissertation aims to develop efficient protocols for communication between vehicles, which take into account the broadcast storm problem during the cache discovery stage and the guarantee of content delivery. For this, three protocols were proposed, CDP, CLYMENE and PERSEU, to carry out efficient communication between vehicles in an urban setting. Initially, the CDP protocol was proposed, which uses the concept of better vehicles positioned geographically, to reduce the broadcast storm in the search for content. In order to obtain a better cache hit, the CLYMENE protocol was proposed, which chooses the vehicles with the highest degree centrality in the cache discovery process. Finally, to ensure better effectiveness in the discovery and delivery of content, the PERSEU protocol was proposed, which was modeled using the concept of computational geometry. The proposed protocols were evaluated and compared with protocols in the literature through computer simulations. According to the results obtained, the contribution of this dissertation was the proposal of the protocols CDP, CLYMENE and PERSEU for efficient communication between vehicles in VNDN. Such protocols guarantee good efficiency in content delivery, with less transmission and packet collision when compared to other protocols in the literature.
Examination Board
Leandro Aparecido Villas IC / UNICAMP
João do Monte Gomes Duarte Technical University of the Atlantic / Cape Verde
Rodolfo Ipólito Meneguette ICMC / USP
Roberto Sadao Yokoyama CECS / UFABC
Daniel Ludovico Guidoni DCOMP / UFSJ