- 2001 - Report on the creation of the Professional Master's course in Computing
- 2001 - Report on the opening of registration for the Professional Master's course
- 2001 - Dissemination of the launch of the book "Introduction to Software Engineering", by teachers Adriane MB Rizzoni Carvalho and Thelma dos C. dos Santos Chiossi and published by Editora da Unicamp
- 2001 - Report on the possession of Prof. Ricardo Anido as director of the IC
- 2001 - Report on the launch of a Specialization Course in Computational Biology developed in partnership with IB
- 2001 - Report on Teleduc, developed under the guidance of Profa. Heloísa Vieira da Rocha
- 2001 - Report on software developed by students of computer science, under the guidance of Prof. Thelma Cecília Chiossi and monitoring by professor Fernando Vanini, who was deployed at the 7th Campinas Police Station
- 2001 - Report in which Prof. Neucimar Jerônimo Leite, at the time post coordinator, analyzes the capes evaluation of the IC post program
- 2001 - Reports on expertise in the Panel of the Chamber of Deputies with the participation of Prof. Paulo Lício de Geus
Folha de São Paulo - 30/11/2001
The State of São Paulo - 30/11/2001
- 2001 - Report on the names of courses in the field of computing, with the participation of professors Ricardo Anido and Pedro Jussieu de Rezende
- 2002 - Report on research developed for the PhD thesis of Prof. Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo, supervised by Prof. Guido Araújo, who brought a new perspective to reduce the final cost of dedicated equipment
- 2002 - Report on companies created by IC alumni
- 2002 - Report on the decoration of Prof. Tomasz Kowaltowski with the National Order of Scientific Merit
- 2002 - Research report “Optimizing high-demand web servers”, guided by Prof. Paulo Lício de Geus
- 2002 - Report in which Prof. João Carlos Setubal talks about the importance of scientific initiation
- 2002 - Report on the founding of Alellyx Applied Genomics, the first Brazilian company in applied genomics and Scylla, a company in the bioinformatics area, focusing on the production of software for use in assembling DNA sequences and protein analysis, which were founded, respectively, by Prof. João Carlos Setubal and Prof. João Meidanis, along with other professors from Unicamp and other universities
- 2002 - Reports on an agreement between Embraer and the IC in which the Specialization course in Software, Systems and Programming Engineering stands out, created through the partnership and taught by the IC, with the participation of Prof. Arnaldo Vieira Moura
The State of São Paulo - 05/11/2002
- 2002 - Report with the participation of Prof. Ricardo Anido on an unprecedented specialization course in software engineering aimed at the aeronautical industry in partnership with Embraer
- 2002 - Report on the first professional Master's thesis at Unicamp, which was held at IC. The course was coordinated by Prof. Paulo Lício de Geus and the student guided by Profa. Heloisa Vieira Rocha
- 2003 - Report with the participation of Prof. Ricardo Anido on the installation of a super laboratory in IC, with clustered machines and high speed network
- 2003 - Reports on software development that maps the brain in 3D, through a partnership between professionals in the fields of computing and medicine with the participation of Prof. Alexandre Xavier Falcão
Software report:
Jornal da Unicamp - Issue 216 - June 9 to 22, 2003
Report on the partnership:
- 2003 - Prof. Ricardo Anido talks about SORTTS (Soccer Real-Time Tracking System)
- 2003 - Report on Teleduc, a tool for distance learning created at Unicamp under the guidance of Profa. Heloísa Vieira da Rocha, and which at that time was already used by three thousand institutions
- 2003 - Report on Unicamp's projects at the 2003 Innovation Hall, with emphasis on the “3D Brain” project, with the participation of Prof. Alexandre Xavier Falcão
- 2003 - Report entitled “Unicamp e-learning software is successful abroad” about TeleEduc, with the participation of Profa. Heloísa Vieira da Rocha
- 2003 - Note disclosing that ISI (Institute for Scientific Information), from the USA, released a partial list of researchers with the highest number of citations in indexed scientific journals and that, at that moment, the partial list includes the name of a single Brazilian, computer scientist and professor at Unicamp, Jorge Stolfi
- 2003 - Disclosure of the Programming Marathon - 2003 edition
- 2003 - Report with the participation of Prof. Cláudia Bauzer Medeiros on the Geoprocessing Specialization course
- 2003 - Report on a climate forecasting system with the participation of Profa. Cláudia Bauzer Medeiros
- 2003 - Prof. Jorge Stolfi - Virtual puzzle reconstructs archaeological pieces - Software developed at IC recomposes relics from digitalized photographs
Jornal da Unicamp - Edition 237 - from November 10 to 16, 2003
- 2003 - Report on a Computer Engineering student project that developed a mouse for the disabled under the guidance of teachers Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo and Paulo César Centoducatte
Jornal da Unicamp - Edition 239 - from December 1st to 7th, 2003
- 2003 - Reports on the development of a mouse for the disabled, with the participation of Prof. Paulo Cesar Centoducatte and Prof. Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo
Folha de São Paulo - 11/12/2003
- 2004 - Disclosure of software engineering books, written by IC professors and published by Editora da Unicamp:
- “Introduction to software engineering” - Profa. Ariadne MB Rizzoni Carvalho and Profa. Thelma C. dos Santos Chiossi
- “Software quality models” - Profa. Thelma C. dos Santos Chiossi and Prof. Mario Lúcio Côrtes
- “Specifications in Z - An introduction” - Prof. Arnaldo Vieira Moura
- 2004 - Disclosure of the Permanent Forum with the theme “Society and Information Technology”, with the participation of Prof. Jacques Wainer
Jornal da Unicamp - Edition 264 - from August 30 to September 12, 2004
- 2004 - Report on a computational tool that identifies species, with the participation of Prof. Ricardo da Silva Torres, Cláudia Bauzer Medeiros and Alexandre Falcão
Jornal da Unicamp - Edition 276 - December 13-23, 2004
- 2004 - Report commemorating the 35 years of the IC: How Unicamp entered the computer age 35 years ago
Jornal da Unicamp - Edition 266 - from 20 to 26 September 2004
- 2004 - Report commemorating the 35 years of the IC: How Unicamp entered the computer age 35 years ago
- 2004 - Report entitled “In contact with practice. In the classroom ”, with the participation of Profa. Cecília Mary Fischer Rubira, on a partnership between IC and Software Design, which allowed undergraduate students to experience in the classroom a reality very close to the job market in which they intended to work
- 2005 - Report entitled “Cell Analytical Pathology Group identifies tumor cells using methods that refer to art”, with the participation of Prof. Neucimar Jerônimo Leite
Jornal da Unicamp - Edition 278 - February 28 to March 6, 2005
- 2005 - Interview with Prof. Claudia Maria Bauzer Medeiros who had just been re-elected as president of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)
- 2005 - Report on the “Petrobras Technology Award” received by an IC student, supervised by professors Arnaldo Vieira Moura and Cid Carvalho de Souza
- 2005 - Report on a consortium to structure the integrated circuits area, with the participation of Prof. Guido Araujo
Jornal da Unicamp - Issue 310 - November 28 to December 4, 2005
- 2005 - Report on a pedagogical support program for the visually impaired, coordinated by Profa. Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas