Donations from companies and individuals can open doors for talented young people in the field of technology and computing
Unicamp's Computing Institute, through the Friends of IC initiative, is launching the “Invest in tomorrow, change lives today” campaign on its digital channels, aiming to raise funds for its scholarship program that reduces school dropouts resulting from socioeconomic difficulties.
Education, combined with technology, can transform lives and entire communities. However, many talented young people face financial barriers that prevent them from accessing quality educational opportunities. The Institute of Computing's scholarship program wants to change this reality, opening doors for brilliant students who want to build promising careers in technology and computing.
Throughout its editions, large companies have already contributed to the maintenance of the project, such as iFood, QuintoAndar, CI&T, among others. The director of the Unicamp Computing Institute, Prof. Leandro Villas thanks you for your participation and reiterates the importance of the project:
“We sincerely hope to have everyone’s support so that this successful program can continue to exist and support our students in carrying out cutting-edge and impactful research. Thank you all for valuing this Institute that we love so much, Unicamp and Science.”
How to participate in the initiative
Companies and individuals who wish to contribute to the project can donate in some ways. Amongst them:
Former students of the Computing Institute contribute to the training of the next generation.
Anyone can donate, helping with housing, food and the purchase of equipment for students with socioeconomic difficulties.
More information can be found on the initiative's website: IC friends
About the Unicamp Computing Institute:
The Computing Institute was created by UNICAMP in 1996, in accordance with Deliberation CONSU-A-001/1996 of 26/03/1996, to fulfill its mission of teaching, research and other services to society in the areas of Science and Technology. Computing.
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