It aims to guide the CPG's opinions for the activity reports until December / 2008. The metrics system is reassessed in March / April each year.
Chapter I - Evaluation Metrics
Article 1. The evaluations of activity reports made by CPG (three-year reports or according to the period stipulated by the higher levels) consider a system of metrics to prepare its opinion.
Single paragraph. Every CPG opinion must end with:
I - Comment on the form report: CPG considers the report {very good | good | regular | weak} for the profile according to deliberation CONSU 05/04.
II - Recommendation on the approval of the form report: CPG recommends that the report be {approved | approved with reservations | disapproved}.
Article 2. CPG's opinion must consider the profiles approved by the IC congregation and by the CONSU 05/04 resolution and will be divided into two parts: quantitative and qualitative.
Article 3. The quantitative assessment is based on the following points system:
Type | Points |
International Journal | 6 |
Patent | 6 |
International Book | 6 |
National Book | 3 |
Doctoral defense | 3 |
International Congress | 2 |
National newspaper | 2 |
Congress | 1 |
Book chapter | 1 |
Master's Defense | 1 |
Sole Paragraph - In the quantitative evaluation, it is considered as boom the performance of teachers who have, in their report, the following annual average of points:
Category | Annual average (Full) | Annual average (Participant) |
MS-6 | 3 | 1,5 |
MS-5 | 2,5 | 1,25 |
MS-3 | 2 | 1 |
Article 4. Qualitative assessment is made up of several important items for each of the stages of your career. Your career level indicates the expected participation. Each item can only be counted once a year. The items are:
- Regularly teach postgraduate courses
- Guide undergraduate students
- Guide Master students
- Guide doctoral students
- Participate in boards outside the IC
- Publication at congresses
- Book publishing
- Publication in journals
- Patent Licensing
- Participation in the board of directors of the General Doctoral Qualification Exam
- Participation in administrative activities
- Participation in research projects with funding
- Supervision of postdoctoral students
- Participation as a supervisor within the teacher productivity recovery program.
- Participate in program committees
- Participation in committees of research funding agencies
- Participation of the editorial board of a qualified magazine
- Awards outside the IC (including Zeferino)
- CNPq research grant
- Organization of scientific events
- Have your academic merit recognized by the international academic community, evaluated at the discretion of CPG
Sole Paragraph - In the qualitative evaluation, it is considered boom the performance of teachers who have, in their report, the following items:
Category | Annual average (Full) | Annual average (Participant) |
MS-6 | 8 | 4 |
MS-5 | 6 | 3 |
MS-3 | 4 | 2 |
Article 5. To have final performance Good, the teacher must perform Good both in qualitative and quantitative criteria.
Article 6. All publications considered in the quantitative and qualitative evaluations must be in indexed or qualified vehicles. If necessary, the CPG may use a committee of experts to decide on the possible qualification of a publication. Only publications actually published will be considered. Extreme cases may be considered at the CPG's discretion.
Chapter II - Special Cases
Article 7. CPG will be able to make a differentiated assessment for reports of teachers' activities in special cases.
Paragraph 1 - Teachers who have had extended leave of absence without academic activities (eg illnesses) or who are already in a position to retire may have reduced quantitative and qualitative requirements.
Paragraph 2 - Teachers who fall under the following conditions, may have reduced qualitative requirements:
I - Post-doctoral professors or those who have recently returned from a post-doctorate.
II - Volunteer Collaborating Professors.
Chapter III - Productivity Recovery Plan
Article 8. CPG must strive to allow the recovery of the production of teachers who are below the indicated levels, offering extra options to restart the production process. Interested faculty members should contact CPG to obtain a subset of the following benefits:
I - Postponement of a point in the teaching load (negotiated with the CG). This point must be met within the next two years.
II - A master's scholarship for a student of your choice, among the candidates enrolled in the program, whose admission will be approved by CPG. The student will be subject to other scholarship maintenance rules.
III - A master's scholarship for co-orientation with another full professor of IC.
IV - Assistance to the teacher to present an article at an event.
V - Teacher support for a post-doctorate.
Chapter IV - Transitional Provisions
Article 9. For the implementation of the previous articles, CPG will obey the following transition steps.
I - The evaluation reports received by CPG until December 2006 will be evaluated according to the current criteria of CPG.
II - The evaluation reports received by the CPG from January 2007 to December 2007 will be evaluated considering half of the quantitative and qualitative requirements defined in the respective scoring system.
III - This resolution will come into force in full for the evaluation reports received for evaluation by CPG from January 2008.
Approved by the IC congregation on 28/06/2006.