(approved by CCPG Resolution No. 18/2021 )


Provides for the Regulation of the Graduate Program in Computer Science of the Institute of Computing

The Rector of the State University of Campinas, in the use of his legal attributions, in view of the approved by the Central Commission of Post-Graduation - CCPG, in his 380th Ordinary Session, of 10/02/2021, downloads the following Resolution:

Art. 1 The Postgraduate Program in Computer Science, at the Master and Doctorate level, taught by the Institute of Computing (IC), will be governed by the Norms of the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP, Resolution CONSU-A-010/2015, of August 11, 2015, by this Regulation and by specific legislation in force.

Chapter I


Art. 2 The Graduate Program Stricto Sensu The Institute of Computing aims at qualifying teachers, researchers, entrepreneurs and professionals from organizations and industry.

Art. 3 The Post-Graduation in Computer Science is composed by the Master's and Doctorate courses in Computer Science.

Art. 4 The Masters and Doctorate Courses lead to the titles of Master in Computer Science and Doctor in Computer Science, respectively, without the first being a prerequisite for the second.

Art. 5 The Graduate Courses Stricto Sensu are free.

Chapter II


Art. 6 The activities of the Graduate Program (PPG) of the IC will be supervised by the Graduate Commission (CPG), auxiliary body of the Congregation of the IC.

Art. 7 ° The President of the Graduate Commission, professor with at least the title of Doctor and in Full Dedication to Teaching and Research - RDIDP, will be the General Coordinator of the Graduate Program of the Institute of Computing.

§1 ° The Congregation of the IC will constitute the Graduate Commission formed by the General Coordinator of the Graduate Program of the IC, by two PhD professors from the IC and by a student representative.

§2 ° There will be an alternate of the teaching members and an alternate of the student representative, chosen by the mechanism of choosing the respective holders.

§3 ° The term of office of professors, full and alternate members, and of the General Coordinator will be two years, and those of student representatives, full and alternate, will be one year, in each case a single successive reappointment is allowed.

§4 ° The General Coordinator of the Graduate Program will be chosen through consultation with the Program's professors and regular students of the Graduate Program. The votes resulting from this consultation will be weighted in the proportion of eighty percent for teachers and twenty percent for students.

§5 ° The remaining faculty members will be appointed by the Director of the Institute, in consultation with the General Coordinator of the Graduate Program, for approval by the IC Congregation.

§6 ° The student member will be chosen by the graduate student body by election among their peers.

§7 ° The Congregation of the IC must communicate to the Central Graduate Commission (CCPG) the constitution of the Graduate Commission and its amendments.

Art. 8 ° It is the responsibility of the Graduate Commission to advise the Congregation of the IC in the activities specified in the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP.

Art. 9 ° CPG shall annually prepare a presentation on the evaluation of the results of the Graduate Studies of the IC, referring to the previous year, to be presented to the Congregation of the IC by April of the current year.

Sole paragraph - If CPG deems it necessary, it will also present to the IC Congregation within the term provided for in the caput:

I –proposal for the review of metrics for evaluating reports of teachers' activities for future application, including a forecast for the transition period; and

II - proposal to revise the teacher productivity recovery plan.

Chapter III


Art. 10. The Masters and Doctorate Courses will have a minimum duration of twelve and twenty-four months, respectively.

Single paragraph. To meet the minimum duration requirement, the time related to the use of studies can be computed.

Art. 11. The maximum duration of the Master's Course in Computer Science will be thirty-six months and the Doctoral Course in Computer Science will be seventy-two months, and these define the deadline for completing the Courses, which, if exceeded, it will automatically cancel the student's registration.

Chapter IV


Art. 12. Admission to the Master and Doctorate Course in Computer Science will take place through a selective process to be carried out by CPG.

§1 ° The Graduate Commission must establish and make public, by means of a public notice, the registration periods and selection criteria for regular students.

§2 ° CPG may authorize the enrollment of special students in one or more subjects by means of a specific selection process, with deadlines and selection criteria disclosed semiannually by CPG.

Art. 13. At the time of enrolling in the course, the regular student must present the acceptance of an accredited advisor in the Program.

Single paragraph. The Program's General Coordinator may assume the orientation during the first semester in the absence of a thesis or dissertation supervisor.

Chapter V


Art. 14. Upon a detailed opinion from the supervisor, CPG may allow transfers from Master to Doctorate courses, as well as from Doctorate to Masters, with the use of credits already obtained.

§1 ° The regulations and rules of the new course, in force on the date of the transfer, must be complied with.

§2 ° For the purpose of counting payment time, the date of entry into the first course will be considered.

§3 ° The transfer of course will be allowed only once.

Chapter VI


Art. 15. The disciplines of the Graduate Program are grouped into:

I - Computer Systems (SC);

II - Information Systems (SI);

III - Theory of Computation (TC); and

IV - Specialized.

Art. 16. Each discipline of the IC Graduate Program included in the UNICAMP Graduate Course Catalog will be associated by CPG to one of the four groups, based on their menus, with each offer.

Art. 17. To obtain the title of Master, the student must perform the following activities:

I - be approved in, at least, twenty-two credits in disciplines until the end of the first year, considering any use of credits taken previously, provided that they are approved by CPG under the terms of the current regulation;

II - maintain a coefficient of income greater than or equal to three from the end of the second period taken;

III - request, in a period to be established every six months by CPG, your participation in the Teaching Internship Program (PED), at least once until the third semester of the course;

IV - demonstrate knowledge of the English language, within the proficiency standards regulated by CPG, until the end of your first year in the course;

V - be approved in the Master's Qualification Exam (EQM) at the beginning of the second semester of the course, to be carried out according to the terms published every six months by CPG; and

VI - prepare a Dissertation, submit it and be approved in public defense before an Examining Committee under the terms of Art. 23.

Art. 18. A student of the Master's course may be required by his advisor to take disciplines or perform other academic activities to complement his education, whether extracurricular or not.

Art. 19. At least twenty credits must be obtained in regular subjects or topics, excluding Seminars, Directed Studies and Teaching Internship Program (PED).

Art. 20. The Master's student will have his / her enrollment automatically canceled in the cases provided for in the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP or if he does not comply with any of the items I, II, III, IV or V of art. 17 of this Regulation.

Art. 21. If it is impossible for the student to obtain the agreement to be guided by a professor accredited in the Program within a period of up to one hundred and eighty days after entering the course, the Unit's Graduate Commission will propose to the IC Congregation , in a detailed opinion, the student's withdrawal from the course.

Art. 22. The Master's Qualification Exam (EQM) aims to determine if the student has the necessary background to continue in the Master's course.

§1 ° The EQM will evaluate the student's analysis and synthesis capacity considering the activities developed, the content of his Dissertation project and the feasibility of his schedule, as well as guiding the student to the final stage of his Master's course.

§2 ° The EQM will be carried out before an Examining Committee, appointed by CPG, which will include at least three members with a Doctorate degree and at least two accredited in the IC Graduate Program. The student's supervisor or co-supervisor, but not both, will be one of the members of the Examining Committee and will chair it.

§3 ° The EQM will consist of a presentation of the Dissertation proposal by the student, oral argument and evaluation of the Dissertation proposal, including the feasibility of its schedule.

§4 ° The result of the final evaluation of the Examining Committee, accompanied by justification, must be expressed through the following concepts: Approved or Disapproved.

§5 ° In case of failure, the student must submit to the EQM again within six months.

§6 ° Under the terms of the General Regulations for Graduate Programs at UNICAMP, the student who fails the second time at the EQM will be automatically disconnected from the course.

Art. 23. The Master's degree student must complete a Dissertation and defend it within its term of payment before an Examination Committee constituted in accordance with the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP.

§1 ° The Master's Dissertation must contain the results of the work done, with evidence of the student's ability to build a synthesis of results from the literature or of his / her ability to perform a supervised scientific investigation, and must have writing quality and exposure compatible with the standards of the scientific literature in the area.

§2 ° The supervisor should forward, when marking the defense, suggestions of names for the composition of the Examining Committee in number, title and origin compatible with the terms of the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP.

§3 ° The composition of the Dissertation Defense Examining Committee will be determined by CPG considering the suggestion of members made by the supervisor, but not limited to it, so that all the requirements of the members as established in the General Regulations of the Postgraduate Programs are met. Graduation from UNICAMP.

§4 ° The evaluation of the Dissertation must be expressed in accordance with the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP.

§5 ° If the Examining Committee recommends changes to the text of the Dissertation, the supervisor will be responsible for verifying the implementation of the changes in the final version and will attest to the fulfillment of such recommendations.

Art. 24. To obtain the title of Doctor, the student must perform the following activities:

I - attend and pass subjects corresponding to twenty-four credits until the end of the second year;

II - maintain a coefficient of income greater than or equal to three from the end of the second period taken;

III - request at least once, in a period to be established semiannually by CPG, your participation in the Teaching Internship Program (PED), until your fifth semester of the course;

IV - demonstrate knowledge of the English language, within the proficiency standards regulated by CPG, until the end of your first year in the course;

V - pass the General and Specific Qualification Exams, hereinafter referred to as EQG and EQE, respectively; and

VI - prepare a Thesis, present it and be approved in public defense before an Examining Committee under the terms of Art. 32.

Art. 25. A student of the Doctorate course may be required, by his supervisor, to take disciplines or perform other academic activities to complement his education, whether extracurricular or not.

Art. 26. The PhD student will have his enrollment automatically canceled in the cases provided for in the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP and if he does not comply with any of items I, II, III, IV or V of art. 24 of this Regulation.

Single paragraph. If the student is unable to obtain the agreement to be guided by a professor accredited in the Program within one hundred and eighty days, CPG will propose to the Congregation of the IC, in a detailed opinion, the student's dismissal.

Art. 27. All twenty-four credits must be obtained by the end of the second year of the student in the course, considering possible use of credits previously taken, provided they are approved by CPG under the terms of the current regulation.

Single paragraph. Credits must be obtained in subjects, excluding Seminars and Directed Studies. A total of four credits are allowed to be counted corresponding to the specialized discipline Teaching Internship Program (PED).

Art. 28. The use of credits may be requested by a graduate student at the Graduate Secretariat and will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis by CPG, after the supervisor's consent.

§1 ° If the student has completed a Master's course that requires compliance with credits in subjects, he may take up to twelve credits, after the supervisor's consent and approval by CPG.

§2 ° If the student has completed the Master's course in the IC Graduate Program and enters the Doctorate course, the disciplines common to the Master's and Doctorate courses may be used:  

I - up to the limit of twelve credits, in the case of credits used to complete the Master's course;

II - without credit limit, in the case of credits not used in paying the Master's course.

§3 ° It is automatic to approve a request to take advantage of credits from subjects with A and B concepts taken in the IC Graduate Program in the five years prior to the date of the request.

Art. 29. When requesting the use of credits taken outside UNICAMP, the student must provide a list of documents that must include the detailed program of each discipline that he would like to obtain the use of, as well as indicate a corresponding discipline from the Catalog of Postgraduate courses at UNICAMP, if possible.

Art. 30. The Doctoral Qualification Exams are intended to assess whether the student has the necessary background to continue the PhD course.

§1 ° The student must pass the General Qualification Exam (EQG) and the Specific Qualification Exam (EQE).

§2 ° The maximum deadline for all qualification exams is the first month of the fifth semester of the course, being carried out in accordance with the terms disclosed semiannually by CPG.

§3 ° The EQG consists of a test in the area of ​​Computer Theory, a test in the area of ​​Computer Systems and a test in the area of ​​Information Systems.

§4 ° The CPG will decide on the composition of the Examining Committee that will prepare and correct the EQG tests.

§5 ° The test may be oral or written, at the discretion of the Examining Committee and will deal with the content of a set of disciplines from the SC, SI and TC groups specified according to the UNICAMP Graduate Courses Catalog, released at least in advance six months.

§6 ° The final result of the evaluation of the Examining Committee must be expressed using the following concepts: Approved or Disapproved.

§7 ° In case of failure, the student must perform the EQG again in up to six months, counted from the knowledge of failure.

§8 ° As established by Resolution CONSU-A-10/2015, the student who fails the second time in the EQG will have his enrollment canceled.

§9 ° The CPG will deliberate on criteria for exemption from the EQG test in each area, and submit it to the approval of the IC Congregation.

Art. 31. The Specific Qualification Exam (EQE) aims to assess the depth of the student's knowledge in the specific area of ​​his subsequent PhD project, as well as the content of his Thesis proposal and the feasibility of his schedule, as well how it will guide the student as to the final stage of his PhD course.

§1º The student can submit to the EQE from the moment he has obtained approval in the EQG.

§2º The EQE will be carried out before an Examining Committee, appointed by CPG, formed by at least three members, all with a minimum degree of doctor.

§3º At least one of the members of the Examining Committee must be external to the IC Graduate Program.

§4º The advisor and co-supervisors are prohibited from being part of the EQE Examining Committee.

§5º The EQE will consist of a presentation of the Thesis proposal by the student, oral argument and evaluation of the Thesis proposal, including the feasibility of its schedule.

§6º At the discretion of CPG, external members of the Examining Committee may participate through videoconference.

§7 The result of the evaluation of the Examining Committee, accompanied by justification, must be expressed through the following concepts: Approved or Disapproved.

§8º In case of failure, the student must perform the EQE again in up to six months, counted from the knowledge of failure.

Paragraph 9 As established in the General Regulations for Graduate Programs at UNICAMP, students who fail the second time in EQE will have their enrollment canceled.

Art. 32. The doctoral student must complete a Thesis and defend it within its term of payment before an Examination Committee constituted in accordance with the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP.

§1 ° The Doctoral Thesis must contain the results of the research carried out, with original contributions to the study area and evidence of the student's ability to carry out a scientific investigation independently, and must be of sufficient quality to, at the discretion of the Examining Committee, be published in reputable scientific vehicles.

§2 ° The supervisor must forward, when marking the defense, suggestion of names for the composition of the Examining Committee in number, title and origin compatible with the terms of the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP.

§3 ° The composition of the Thesis Defense Examining Committee will be determined by CPG considering the suggestion of members made by the supervisor, but not limited to this, so that the requirements of the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP are met.

§4 ° The evaluation of the Thesis must be expressed in accordance with the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP.

§5 ° In the event that the Examining Committee recommends changes to the text of the Thesis, the supervisor will be responsible for verifying the implementation of the changes in the final version and will attest to the fulfillment of such recommendations.

Chapter VII


Art. 33. To obtain the title of Master or Doctor, as defined in Art. 4, it is required to fulfill the activities explained in arts. 17 and 24, that the regulatory requirements have been met and that there is a public defense before an Examining Committee, with approval, of a Dissertation or Thesis, respectively.

Chapter VIII


Art. 34. Professionals from the Graduate Program in Computer Science at UNICAMP will be considered professionals with at least a PhD, accredited for this purpose.

Art. 35. The accreditation of professors or researchers to work in the activities of the Graduate Program in Computer Science will take place in the denominations of Permanent, Visitor or Collaborator, defined according to the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP.

Article 36. The accreditation of IC professors in the Graduate Program in Computer Science will take place as follows:

§1 To be accredited, every doctor professor must meet the academic-scientific production criteria specified in the Internal Resolution of the CPG of the Graduate Program of the IC to work in the Graduate Program in Computer Science;

§2 ° As long as the doctor professor is in the Regime of Full Dedication to Teaching and RDIDP Research, he will be accredited as Permanent;

§3 ° While the PhD professor is in the Full Shift Regime (RTC) at the IC he will be accredited as a Collaborator of the Graduate Program, unless he sends an explicit request to CPG to become a Permanent Professor and be approved;

§4 ° While the PhD professor is in Partial Shift Regime (RTP) at the IC, he will not be accredited in the Postgraduate Program, unless he submits an explicit request to CPG to become a Collaborating Professor and be approved.

Art. 37. Visiting Professors may act to guide or co-orient up to three students of the Post-Graduation Program simultaneously, being able to be Master's advisors but they cannot be PhD's advisors.

Art. 38. Collaborating Professors will be able to coordinate up to two students of the Postgraduate Program simultaneously, but they will not be able to be principal supervisors.

Single paragraph. CPG will analyze requests from Collaborating Professors to become principal advisors or to increase this limit of two students. For the analysis, CPG will take into account academic productivity and fundraising criteria for student financing.

Art. 39. As established in the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP, professionals with at least a doctorate degree who participate in an occasional way, without regularity, may be registered as Temporary Participating Teachers with authorization from CPG and may coorient up to two students of the Graduate Program simultaneously, but they cannot be advisors.

Art. 40. If a teacher has a reduction in the number of students, is disqualified from the program, or ceases to be a permanent teacher in the program, his remaining students will be kept under his supervision until his defense, his eventual dismissal from the course or change guidance.

Art. 41. The accreditation and disqualification of teachers or researchers, with or without an employment relationship with the University, will be analyzed and approved by the CPG, and approved by the Congregation of the IC.

§1 ° The exercise of postgraduate activities by a professor or researcher can only begin after the evaluation and approval of the accreditation request by CPG and its approval by the IC Congregation.

§2 ° In order to be accredited by the program, a Visiting or Collaborating professor, external to the teaching staff of the IC, must hold at least the title of Doctor and meet the criteria of academic-scientific production specified in Art. 36 §1. If the interested party does not meet the academic-scientific production criteria, he / she must present a justification for the exceptional consideration of his / her accreditation request.

Art. 42. The submission of an accreditation request must include:

I - Proponent's complete Curriculum Vitae, preferably in the Lattes / CNPq format, and indicate the indexed publications and / or their qualifications according to the CAPES method in force to evaluate publications;

II - plan of academic and scientific activities to be developed in the Graduate Program that must include teaching and research. A list of guidelines and co-orientations should be provided, if applicable. In the case of the list of guidelines, the applicant must indicate the names of the students to be guided and / or co-oriented. In the case of a visiting professor, it is possible to provide guidance and co-supervision for master's students, and co-supervision of doctoral students. In the case of a collaborating professor, only the co-supervision of Master and / or PhD students is possible;

III - history of previous accreditations with the IC Graduate Program, if any;

IV - duration of the validity requested, restricted to the maximum terms defined by the General Regulations of the Graduate Programs of UNICAMP for each denomination; in the case of co-orientation, the period of validity of the accreditation will expire when the dissertation or thesis for which it is accredited is defended or, due to the eventual disconnection of the student from the course;

V - in the case of accreditation as a Visitor, proof of authorization for accreditation with the IC Graduate Program issued by the interested party's employment institution;

VI - in the case of accreditation as a Visitor or Collaborator for the purposes of coorientation, the supervisor's justification must be presented on the importance or need to include him as a coorientator, as well as on the reasons why it is desirable to be a researcher external to the Program; and

Single paragraph. Renewal of the accreditation of a Doctor Researcher external to the IC teaching staff will be subject to a report on the activities carried out by the researcher in the previous accreditation period.

Art. 43. In the case of accreditation and disqualification of professors or researchers with employment or statutory ties with UNICAMP, the following rules must be observed:

§1 ° Accreditation and disqualification will be analyzed and approved by CPG, and approved by the IC Congregation.

§2º The accredited professors will be subject to periodic evaluation through CPG's opinion in the Teacher's Activity Reports.

§3 ° IC professors who carry out activities in RDIDP cannot be accredited in Postgraduate Programs external to UNICAMP to carry out activities equivalent to those provided for in this Regulation for a Permanent Professor.

Chapter IX


Art. 44. Each regular student will be guided in their activities by an advisor, who is an accredited teacher in the Program.

Single paragraph. The Advisor's duties are defined in the General Regulations for Graduate Programs at UNICAMP.

Art. 45. In the event of the student or advisor giving up guidance, it will be the student's responsibility to seek the agreement of another professor in the IC Graduate Program to become their advisor.

Art. 46. Each change of advisor must be submitted to the CPG for approval.

Art. 47. Each supervisor of the IC Graduate Program may have a total of up to ten supervisors among Master and Doctorate students.

Single paragraph. Considering the history of scientific production and the training of masters and doctors of an advisor, as well as the average degree time of its graduating students, CPG may authorize an increase of this limit aiming at guaranteeing the quality of the students' training, the good progress of students. work and growth of the IC Graduate Program.

Art. 48. A student in the IC Graduate Program may have, in addition to his principal advisor, one or more co-supervisors upon approval by the CPG.

Art. 49. Each student whose main advisor is external to the IC Program must have an internal co-supervisor who will have, before the CPG and the student, the same rights and duties as the advisor, being co-responsible for the quality of the work to be developed.

Chapter X


Art. 50. Omitted cases will be resolved by CPG.

Art. 51. This Regulation comes into force on the date of its publication, the provisions to the contrary being revoked, especially the CEPE-A-021/2001 Resolution.