Aid for participation in scientific events


The IC Postgraduate Program is part of the CAPES Excellence Program (PROEX) and is entitled to special funding funds. The Postgraduate Coordination (CPG) can offer, upon request, financial assistance to support the participation of active master's and doctorate students in scientific events in Brazil or abroad with the presentation of articles.


PROEX/CAPES Regulation

CAPES Ordinance No. 132/2016 – Establishes the Daily Allowance for travel in the country and abroad for beneficiaries of Capes Programs and their guests

CAPES Ordinance No. 206/2018 – Provides mandatory citation to CAPES (in works financed by this Foundation)

Resolution CONSU-A-001/2012 – Provides for the contracting of an insurance plan for teachers, employees, students and foreign guests.


  1. Registration fee at events with article presentation.
  2. Daily Assistance, as I explain standards and values ​​established by CAPES. The number of aid granted is limited to the days of participation in the event.
  3. Exceptionally, tickets (air or land), in special and justified cases. In case of approval, the purchase of the ticket will always be carried out by the Postgraduate Office (there is no refund for this expense).


The request for assistance must be made using the following form:

The Qualis informed on the form must be obtained based on the script that can be downloaded here (Information about New Qualis-CC)

After submitting the form, the interested party must send an email to the Postgraduate Office with the document signed by themselves and their advisor.

Term: maximum notice possible after confirmation of acceptance of the article. 

Requests will be analyzed by CPG as per meeting calendar. The result of the analysis will be informed to the interested party via email after the meeting.


CPG prioritizes payment for registration for scientific events and daily allowances over airline tickets.

The assistance provided is preferably complementary in nature. CPG expects interested parties to seek resources from other funding sources.

Evidence of the use or search for additional resources strengthens the request for assistance.

CPG prioritizes helping qualified events with Qualis. In cases of non-qualifying events, the student and advisor must describe characteristics that could qualify them. Due to resource limitations, better qualified events take priority.

Daily fees and registrations already covered by other sources will not be paid.

CPG will not finance event participation solely with posters or abstracts.

The student must be active in the Postgraduate Program (not have defended a dissertation or thesis) during the period of the trip. It is not allowed to cover expenses for students who are not active in the Program during the period in which the expense is incurred (travel).

Ticket payment requests will only be approved in exceptional, well-justified cases.


Payment of the aid is made by the Postgraduate Office by check directly to the beneficiary at the following times:

  1. registration fee: refund after presentation of document proving payment of registration;
  2. daily aid: around 5 days before the event; 
  3. tickets (air or land): directly to suppliers (travel agencies). 


Accounts must be rendered within a maximum of 10 days after the event with the presentation of the documents below:

Type of expenseDocument
Event RegistrationReceipt (invoice) for registration for the event; proof of payment for registration on behalf of the student and certificate of participation
Daily AssistanceCertificate of Participation (must attest to at least the same number of daily aids granted)
AirfareCertificate of Participation, boarding passes/trip stubs

Important: Failure to present proof in the required form and time may result in non-payment of what was approved or the refund of expenses already incurred (amount already paid to the student).


Published articles must mention support from CAPES, as per CAPES Ordinance No. 206/2018.

Refund for paid international registration indirect way (exchange bureaus) or with international debit cards (Wise, Nomad and similar) will be carried out based on the conversion of the source currency to Real at the exchange rate Central Bank converter. The date of payment on the receipt or the date of issue of the check will be used, whichever is more advantageous to the student.

The refund for international registration paid by credit card will include the amount indicated on the invoice and also automatically defined fees, such as IOF. 

Receipts, invoices and notes in the names of the XNUMXrd.

For international travel, Unicamp determines that all students must be covered by travel insurance, which is the responsibility of the student to hire.