Internal Resolution CPG / IC001 / 2021
The scholarships offered by Capes and CNPq are from the Graduate Program (not individual grants) and are the responsibility of the Graduate Coordinator.
CPG expects that every student with a good performance in the master's or doctorate will be able to maintain their scholarship. However, the number of scholarships available is variable and is typically less than the demand. Therefore, CPG defines the following criteria for the allocation and maintenance of quota scholarships for the Masters and Doctorate courses in Computer Science.
(1) If there is no reduction in the amount of quota scholarships in the course, the maintenance of the quota scholarship is guaranteed for every student who:
(1.1) has CR greater than or equal to 3,333,
(1.2) has completed the PED at least once, up to the third semester of the course for master students and up to the fifth semester of the course for doctoral students, or has been formally dismissed by CPG and
(1.3) have the supervisor's agreement.
(2) If the number of quota scholarships is not sufficient to meet students who meet condition (1) then the quota scholarships will be renewed according to the criterion of highest CR.
(3) At any time, the CPG may cancel the quota scholarship of any student who does not fulfill the conditions in (1) or who has not fulfilled any requirement set forth in the General Rules of the Graduate Courses at UNICAMP or in the Post Regulation -Graduation from the Institute of Computing.
(4) CPG will maintain a list of priorities for allocating quota grants. The list will be formed by students in conditions (4.1),…, (4.9), in this order, decreasing the assignment priority:
· (4.1) Doctoral students who had their quota scholarship interrupted due to leaving for an internship abroad and who are returning from it.
· (4.2) Student defined by CPG as a participant in the CPG Faculty Productivity Recovery Program.
· (4.3) Doctoral fellows from FAPESP, from other research funding agencies or with a fellowship, at the discretion of CPG, whose application for renewal of fellowship is denied or the fellowship is canceled. In this case, the student must send a request to CPG to be classified in this condition, presenting the opinions and results of the renewal request.
· (4.4) Master scholarship holders with a fellowship, at the discretion of CPG, whose application for renewal of scholarship is denied or scholarship canceled. In this case, the student must send a request to CPG to be classified in this condition, presenting the opinions and results of the renewal request.
· (4.5) For every 4 scholarships for masters or doctorates from FAPESP or other research promotion agencies that an advisor obtains as of January 2006, such professor will have the right to appoint a master's student to be qualified in this condition, after CPG analysis.
· (4.6) Previous semester entrants who are still on the scholarship waiting list. These students will be ordered by the semester of admission and each semester by the CRs in descending order.
· (4.7) Beginners of the current semester ordered by their average admission in descending order.
· (4.8) Students who lost their scholarship in previous semesters or did not qualify for a scholarship in previous semesters. These students will be ordered by their respective CRs in descending order.
· (4.9) Students who fall into the cases allowed by the agencies for granting scholarships to people who have income from work.
(5) The classification in conditions (4.1) to (4.5) must be requested by the student to CPG. The order of students in these conditions is the order of entry into the condition. The tie cases in conditions (2), (4.6) and (4.8) will be resolved giving preference to the student who attended the highest number of credits. Other draws will be resolved by CPG.
(6) Students in the following conditions will not receive a quota scholarship or have their scholarship canceled:
· (6.1) Master's student who has completed 24 months in the course, discounting any months of possible locking.
· (6.2) Doctoral student who has completed 48 months in the course, discounting any months of possible lockouts.
· (6.3) Student who does not dedicate himself full time to the respective course. In particular, students who work or who are studying for a master's and doctorate degree will not receive a scholarship.
· (6.4) Student whose scholarship has been canceled at the request of the advisor.
(7) Student rankings will be updated continuously.
(8) Every student with a quota scholarship must comply with the obligations stipulated by the respective funding agency. Such conditions and obligations take precedence over the rules of this resolution. Failure to comply with these obligations implies an immediate cancellation of the scholarship and may subject the student to additional penalties by the agency.
(9) CPG will reserve a number of scholarships each semester to attend the best placed students in the post graduate selection process and in return the contemplated students - and their respective advisors - must send a scholarship request to FAPESP or other funding agencies. Master students must comply with this requirement in the first 3 months after admission and PhD students within 6 months after admission.
(10) Cases not covered by this resolution will be resolved by the CPG.
(11) This resolution enters into force on the date of its adoption and repeals all contrary provisions.
Approved by the IC Graduate Commission on 22/02/2021.
Important: PhD students should pay attention to the this resolution of the CPG of Dec / 2006 that brings an extra requirement for maintaining the bag and order on the waiting list.