PNPD - National Postdoctoral Program / CAPES

Notice PNPD / Capes

National Postdoctoral Program / Capes (PNPD / Capes)

PNPD / Capes, Capes National Postdoctoral Program, is an institutional grant program that finances postdoctoral internships in Postgraduate Programs (PPG) stricto sensu recommended by Capes.

The Computer Science Graduate Program (PPGCC) of the Institute of Computing has two open positions for postdoctoral internship within the PNPD / Capes program. For those interested, follow the selection notice, the registration form and more information about the program.

Previous processes

  • 2019
  • 2016, 2017, 2018 - Consult secretariat.

Notice of the selection process:


Important dates:

Application period: 13/01/2020 to 02/02/2020

Result: 21/02/2020 (forecast) - Published -> HERE <-

Implementation of the first grant: March / 2020 (forecast)

Application form:

Registration Form in the Selection Process

Send with the rest of the documentation, as provided for in the announcement, to the email address sec-pos [at]

More information about the PNPD / Capes Program: