Director: Prof. doctor Leandro Aparecido Villas
Associate Director: Profa. Dr. Esther Luna Colombini
Secretary: Denise Fernanda Vicari Scalon Coutinho
Unit Technical Coordinator: Carolina Marcondes Neves
Administrative coordinator: Elias Borges by Athayde Drummond
Computer Coordinator: William Lima Reiznautt
- Computer Systems Department (DSC)
- Chief: Profa. Dr. Juliana Freitag Borin
- Vice-Chief: Prof. Dr. Sandro Rigo
- Information Systems Department (DSI)
- Chief: Prof. Dr. Sandra Eliza Fontes from Avila
- Vice-Chief: Prof. Dr. Prof. doctor Julio Cesar dos Reis
- Department of Computer Theory (DTC)
- Chief: Prof. Dr. Guilherme Pimentel Telles
- Vice-Chief: Prof. Dr. Zanoni Days
Composition of CSARH-IC
Prof. Dr. Esther Luna Colombini (President)
André Luis Affonso (Elected)
Cristiane Marques Ortiz de Camargo (Elected)
Denise Fernanda Scalon Coutinho (Nominated)
Luiz Fernando Hirayama (Elected)
Composition of the Academic Assessment Committee (CAA)
President: Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo (DSC)
Vice President: Prof. Dr. Orlando Lee (DTC)
Member: Prof. Dr. Jacques Wainer (DSI)
Prof. Dr. Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira (DSC)
Prof. Dr. João Meidanis (DTC)
Professor Dr. Anderson de Rezende Rocha (DSI)