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Leandro Aparecido Villas has been a professor at the Instituto de Computação at UNICAMP since 2013. In 2012, he received the title of Doctor in Computer Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, having worked in the area of ​​collecting data in wireless sensor networks. Spent a year in the PARADISE laboratory on the SITE (School of News Technology and Engineering) from the University of Ottawa, Canada, as part of his sandwich doctorate. In 2007 he received the title of Master in Computer Science from the Federal University of S o Carlos, having worked in the area of ​​routing solutions for wireless sensor networks. In the last five years, he has published 19 articles in journals and 49 articles in conferences, received the award for best article at the XXV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems 2007, and also 2011 Outstanding Researcher Award at PARADISE Lab from the University of Ottawa. In the last two years, seven research projects totaling more than 150 thousand reais were approved. To date, he has graduated a master's student and completed a scientific initiation orientation. In addition, he is advising five doctoral students, four master's students and supervising a postdoctoral degree. In 2015, it was co-chair program na track New Technologies and Services do 7th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security e chair from the sections of poster, demos e PhD forum No. 11th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems. Leandro is a member of the GLOBECOM 2014 and 2015 program committees, SBRC 2014 and 2015, NCA 2015, DIVANet 2014, LATINCOM 2014 and 2015, WGRS 2015, P2MNET 2015, VNC 2015, WSCAR 2014 and NTMS 2015. He has also been reviewing articles for the following journals. Computer Networks, Ad Hoc Netwroks, Information Fusion, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Journal of Network and Systems Management






Second half

ï ¿½      MC001 Information Technologies

ï ¿½      MO809 Topics in Distributed Systems



Second half

ï ¿½      MC001 Information Technologies

first semester

ï ¿½      MC714 Distributed Systems



Second half

ï ¿½      MC714 Distributed Systems

ï ¿½      MO809 Topics in Distributed Systems



first semester

ï ¿½      MC102 - Algorithms and Computer Programming



Second half

ï ¿½      MO809 Topics in Distributed Systems

ï ¿½      MC102 - Algorithms and Computer Programming


first semester

ï ¿½      MC102 - Algorithms and Computer Programming



Second half

ï ¿½      MO809 Topics in Distributed Systems

ï ¿½      MC102 - Algorithms and Computer Programming

first semester

ï ¿½      MC302 - Object Oriented Programming





ï ¿½      2013 Current

o   iCities: Development of Next Generation Smart Services and Applications for Smart Cities


ï ¿½      2013 - Current

o   Exploring the Web Sensor Approach and Sensing Participant in Monitoring Urban Rivers


ï ¿½      2013 - Current

o   Algorithms and Models for Wireless Sensor Networks Using the Concepts of Complex Networks


ï ¿½      2013 - Current

o   SENUREVE: Cloud Services for Vehicle Networks


ï ¿½      2010 - 2012

o   INCT in Critical Embedded Systems


ï ¿½      2010 - 2011

o   Developing Next Generation Intelligent Vehicle Networks and Applications


ï ¿½      2006 - 2008

o   Monitoring Context-Aware Physical Environments through the Integration of Virtual Reality, Wireless Sensor Networks and Context-Aware Computing areas



Curriculum vitae:



Institute of Computing - State University of Campinas
Av. Albert Einstein, 1251 - CEP 13083-852 - Campinas/Brazil
Room 80 - Telephone (19) 3521-2984