MC722 - Computer Systems Design

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Teacher: Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo (Email)


20/12The notes are on the board. notes. The proofreading review will take place on 21/12 in the classroom at the time of the lesson.
09/12The work notes are already on the board. notes (the grade of the work is already with the final weight applied, so the maximum value is 1,5).
06/12The second race will be on PB17.
24/11All works were delivered correctly and are available for download on the allocation page of groups.
16/11Notes updated on the page.
14/10Test 1 will be held in PB17 in the normal schedule. I will not be present on the day, I will send another teacher to apply the test for me.
14/10There are still students without groups and groups without themes. Please email this information as soon as possible to me. If your RA is not allocated on the groups page or if your group does not have a chosen theme, send a message. The deadline for the work is already defined. There will be no postponement.
30/09The themes of the works are already available.
28/09Do not forget to send the composition of the groups by email to me.


memory, busbars and input / output systems.
Menu: An introduction to architecture and computer organization. Technologies and historical perspective. Performance measures. Set of instructions. Memory. Arithmetic and logic units. Basic design of a processor. Pipeline. Memory hierarchy: cache and virtual memory. I / O devices.



Tuesdays and Thursdays: 08: 00-10: 00 (CC01)


The evaluation will consist of 2 tests (P1 and P2) and 1 work (T1).
The semester average (MS) will be calculated using the formula: MS = (4,0 * P1 + 4,5 * P2 + 1,5 * T1) / 10. The student will go for exam (E) if MS <5,0. In this case, the final average (MF) will be calculated as follows: MF = (MS + E) / 2.



Work should be done by groups maximum of 3 people. Until the end of the semester the work must be presented (the dates will be set later). Each group must choose one of the themes below and send a message by email. The order of registration will be the order of arrival of orders. All papers must have between 10 and 15 pages of text and a presentation of a maximum of 20 minutes (including 5 minutes for questions).
List of works:
The work must be sent by email until 8:00 am on 23/11. Only works in PDF format will be accepted. The presentation can be in PPT or PDF and must be sent together with the text. I will give an automatic grace period of 24 hours in the delivery of the work, but I will not accept any kind of justification for any problem that occurred in those 24 hours.
Evaluation criteria:
These are some of the items that will be evaluated in the works


19/08 QPresentation of the Course. Introduction (Chap. 1). Sample files: program1.c e program2.c
24 / 08 TPerformance measures (2.1, 2.2 and 2.3)
26/08 QPerformance measures
31 / 08 TSet of Instructions
02/09 QSet of Instructions
07 / 09 THoliday
09/09 QThere was no class
14 / 09 TComputational Arithmetic (integers)
16/09 QComputational Arithmetic (integers)
21 / 09 TComputational Arithmetic (integers and floating point)
23/09 QExercises
28 / 09 TChapter 5: Datapath
30/09 QDatapath unicycle
05 / 10 TDatapath unicycle / multicycle
07/10 QMulticyclepath datapath
12 / 10 THoliday
14/10 QChapter 6: Pipeline
19 / 10 TPipeline
21/10 QPipeline
26 / 10 TExercises
28/10 QTest 1 (PLEASE NOTE: The test will be in room PB17)
02 / 11 THoliday
04/11 QMemory Hierarchy
09 / 11 TCaches
11/11 QVirtual Memory
16 / 11 TInput and Output
18/11 QInput and Output
23 / 11 TChapter 9
25/11 QChapter 9
30 / 11 TPresentations: g01, g02, g05, g06
02/12 QPresentations: g07, g10, g12, g13
07 / 12 TPresentations: g04, g09, g11, g14
09/12 QPresentations: g03, g08, g15. Exercises
14 / 12 TExercises
16/12 QTest 2 (PLEASE NOTE: The test will be in room PB17)
21 / 12 TDelivery of notes and review
06/01 QExamination