The following historical commit information, by author, was found in the repository.

Author commits insertions deletions % of changes
Jean thomé332199130624.10
Joao Paulo Soubihe166334847.68
Joao Soubihe412610.87
Miguel Augusto Silva Guida320311.40
Pedro Sliuzas36426263633.67

Below are the number of rows from each author that have survived and are still intact in the current revision.

Author Rows Stability Age % in comments
Jean thomé190986.83.50.3114.77
Joao Paulo Soubihe45171.21.22.663.49
Miguel Augusto Silva Guida7336.
Pedro Sliuzas7929186.03.916.4761.37

The following history timeline has been gathered from the repository.

Jean thomé
Joao Paulo Soubihe
Joao Soubihe
Miguel Augusto Silva Guida
Pedro Sliuzas
Modified Rows:100030972989289205036301490

The following files are suspiciously big (in order of severity).

ext / asm6 / asm6.c (1569 estimated lines of code)
emulator / ext / asm6 / asm6.c (1569 estimated lines of code)
emulator / src / Instruction.cpp (748 estimated lines of code)
emulator / include / Instruction.hpp (369 estimated lines of code)

The following files have an elevated cyclomatic complexity (in order of severity)

ext / asm6 / asm6.c (306 in cyclomatic complexity)
emulator / ext / asm6 / asm6.c (306 in cyclomatic complexity)
emulator / src / InstructionFactory.cpp (226 in cyclomatic complexity)
emulator / src / Instruction.cpp (103 in cyclomatic complexity)
emulator / src / Cpu.cpp (65 in cyclomatic complexity)

The following responsibilities, by author, were found in the current revision of the repository (comments are excluded from the line count, if possible).

Jean Thome is mostly responsible for

emulator / include / Instruction.hpp (251 eloc)
naveZikaROM / movements / player2Movements.asm (158 eloc)
movements / player2Movements.asm (158 eloc)
emulator / src / InstructionFactory.cpp (156 eloc)
emulator / src / Instruction.cpp (151 eloc)
naveZikaROM / movements / player1Movements.asm (142 eloc)
movements / player1Movements.asm (142 eloc)
emulator / src / Cpu.cpp (116 eloc)
naveZikaROM / naveZika.asm (77 eloc)
naveZika.asm (77 links)

Joao Paulo Soubihe is mostly responsible for

makefile (40 links)
emulator / src / InstructionFactory.cpp (37 eloc)
emulator / src / Cpu.cpp (31 eloc)
main.cpp (28 links)
emulator / tst / sbc.s (25 eloc)
emulator / tst / ldx.s (24 eloc)
emulator / tst / eor.s (24 eloc)
emulator / tst / tax_tay_tsx_txa_txs_tya.s (19 eloc)
emulator / tst / inc_inx_iny.s (16 eloc)
emulator / include / Cpu.hpp (16 eloc)

Miguel Augusto Silva Guida is mostly responsible for

emulator / src / Instruction.cpp (31 eloc)
emulator / src / InstructionFactory.cpp (16 eloc)
emulator / include / Cpu.hpp (9 eloc)
emulator / include / Instruction.hpp (8 eloc)
emulator / include / InstructionID.hpp (3 eloc)

Pedro Sliuzas is mostly responsible for

ext / asm6 / asm6.c (1553 eloc)
emulator / ext / asm6 / asm6.c (1553 eloc)
ext / asm6 / README.TXT (311 eloc)
emulator / ext / asm6 / README.TXT (311 eloc)
ext / asm6 / asm6 (148 eloc)
emulator / ext / asm6 / asm6 (148 eloc)
emulator / src / Instruction.cpp (127 eloc)
emulator / src / Cpu.cpp (115 eloc)
naveZikaROM / naveZika.asm (105 eloc)
naveZika.asm (105 links)

jpsoubihe is mostly responsible for

emulator / tst / bcc_bcs_bit_bvc_bvs.s (29 eloc)
naveZikaROM / movements / player1Movements.asm (27 eloc)
movements / player1Movements.asm (27 eloc)
emulator / tst / lda_sta.s (25 eloc)
sound / beep.asm (24 eloc)
naveZikaROM / sound / beep.asm (24 eloc)
naveZikaROM / movements / player2Movements.asm (23 eloc)
movements / player2Movements.asm (23 eloc)
emulator / tst / ora.s (23 eloc)
emulator / tst / cmp.s (23 eloc)

miguel is mostly responsible for

emulator / src / Instruction.cpp (349 eloc)
shotCollisions.asm (178 link)
naveZikaROM / shotCollisions.asm (178 eloc)
naveZikaROM / naveZika.asm (119 eloc)
naveZika.asm (119 links)
emulator / src / InstructionFactory.cpp (90 eloc)
naveZikaROM / decreaseLife.asm (80 eloc)
decreaseLife.asm (80 link)
emulator / include / Instruction.hpp (72 eloc)
naveZikaROM / graphics / background.asm (48 eloc)

miguelguida is mostly responsible for

emulator / src / InstructionFactory.cpp (110 eloc)
emulator / src / Instruction.cpp (60 eloc)
emulator / tst / stack.s (23 eloc)
emulator / tst / imm_y_ora_and_eor.s (21 eloc)
emulator / tst / asl_lsr_rol_ror_a.s (18 eloc)
emulator / src / Cpu.cpp (15 eloc)
emulator / tst / sty.s (11 eloc)
emulator / tst / stx.s (11 eloc)
emulator / tst / and.s (11 eloc)
emulator / tst / adc.s (11 eloc)

The extensions below were found in the repository history (extensions used during statistical analysis are marked).

* TXT asm c cpp fns Hpp log md out r s sh txt