MO901 / MC039: Computing Seminars: Computer Architecture

01/03Selected articles for the semester
25/02Classroom defined: CC52 (also known as room 352 of the IC-3 1/2)
19/02Classes on Fridays from 10: 00-11: 00. After-hours service
19/02Don't miss the important dates of the Graduation calendar e Graduate calendar.

Review the literature in the areas of Computer Architecture through recent articles.

Selected articles for presentation this semester.

Recent Articles in the areas of Computer Architecture and Compilers.

The assessment is based on presentations, presence and participation in class.

For graduation: Final Note = 0,5 * Presentation Note + 0,5 * Participation Note.

For graduate students: Concepts: S: presence> = 75%, I: presence <75%.

Any attempted fraud during the semester will be punished to the extent of my authority, including a zero score on the discipline for everyone involved.

Attendance after class time. If you need another time, just send an email suggesting alternative time.

04/0301Presentation of the discipline and selection of articles
11 / mar02MORC: The Manycore-Oriented Compressed Cache. Tri M. Nguyen (Princeton University), David Wentzlaff (Princeton University). MICRO 2015.180791 - Daniel
18 / mar03The Inner Most Loop Iteration counter: a new dimension in branch history. Andre Seznec (INRIA / IRISA), Joshua San Miguel (University of Toronto), Jorge Albericio (University of Toronto). MICRO 2015.162643 - Raphael
25 / mar--Holiday
01 / Apr04PIM-enabled instructions: a low-overhead, locality-aware processing-in-memory architecture. Junwhan Ahn, Sungjoo Yoo, Onur Mutlu, Kiyoung Choi. BAIT 2015.180787 - Mauritius
08 / Apr05Unified address translation for memory-mapped SSDs with FlashMap. Jian Huang, Anirudh Badam, Moinuddin K. Qureshi, Karsten Schwan. BAIT 2015.Carlos
15 / Apr06Performance implications of dynamic memory allocators on transactional memory systems. Alexandro Baldassin, Edson Borin, and Guido Araujo. 2015. SIGPLAN Not. 50, 8 (January 2015), 87-96.078179 - Junior
22 / Apr--Holiday
29 / Apr07ThyNVM: Enabling Software-Transparent Crash Consistency in Persistent Memory Systems. Jinglei Ren (Tsinghua University), Jishen Zhao (University of California, Santa Cruz), Samira Khan (University of Virginia), Jongmoo Choi (Dankook University), Yongwei Wu (Tsinghua University), Onur Mutlu (Carnegie Mellon University). MICRO 2015.188941
06 / May08Superscalar LaZy. Görkem Aşılıoğlu, Zhaoxiang Jin, Murat Köksal, Omkar Javeri, Soner Önder. ISCA 2015.George
13 / May09Exploiting Commutativity to Reduce the Cost of Updates to Shared Data in Cache-Coherent Systems. Guowei Zhang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Webb Horn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Daniel Sanchez (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). MICRO 2015.143050 - Richard
20 / May10The load slice core microarchitecture. Trevor E. Carlson, Wim Heirman, Osman Allam, Stefanos Kaxiras, Lieven Eeckhout. BAIT 2015. Priscila
27 / May--Holiday
June 03th11NVML: Implementing Persistent Memory Applications. Paul Von Behren, Intel. USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies 2015.156737
June 10th12Microarchitectural Implications of Event-driven Server-side Web Applications. Yuhao Zhu (UT Austin), Daniel Richins (UT Austin), Matthew Halpern (UT Austin), Vijay Janapa Reddi (UT Austin). MICRO 2015. Refined Transactional Lock Elision. Dave Dice (Oracle Labs), Alex Kogan (Oracle Labs), Yossi Lev (Oracle Labs). PPoPP 2016.152362
June 17th13Taming Kernels and Krakens With Control-Flow IntegrityJoão Correa
June 24th14Architecting a Processor with Optical RAM - EQEJorge Gonzalez
July 01th15OpenISA, rethinking the ISA interface for code portabilityRafael Auler