ImagineCup 2009 Tablet PC Accessibility Award


The ImagineCup is a worldwide competition promoted by Microsoft with several categories and some awards. In 2009, the finals took place in Cairo - Egypt. We got the second place in the TabletPC Accessibility Award.

The Project

We proposed a solution where the students with learning issues should attend the same class as his friends instead of special classes. In this way, we tried to help the instructor to find / indentify and help the student using a special software.

Find / Identify students

Although there are several different factors that cause learning issues, they usually cause very similar impact on the student in-class behavior. When you compare students responses to in-class activities, you may not only face correct / incorrect answers but also some simptoms of some kind of disabilities, mainly if the student has some partial disability. To detect that, it will be necessary a face-to-face interaction but what can you do in a large class? We designed two view modes focused on finding students learning issues during classes exercises.

Help the students

Once the students were found, we focus on tools to help their learning experience. Some of the tools requires that the student use a tablet, some not.


See here the presentation used in the ImagineCup 2009.

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