- Introduction to image analysis.
- Fundamental concepts of image processing: point-based,
adjacency-based, and connectivity-based transforms.
- Extending concepts to multiband and multidimensional images.
- Image representation.
- Point, region, and shape-based approaches.
- Superpixel and hierarchical segmentation.
- Iso-contours, multiscale skeletons, and shape saliences.
- Space-frequency transforms: from Fourier to wavelets.
- Image description.
- Color, texture, shape decriptors and their combination.
- Popular image descriptors.
- Data clustering and bag of visual words.
- Convolutional layers.
- Image classification.
- Fundamentals of machine learning.
- From perceptron to deep convolutional neural networks.
- Image segmentation.
- From image-based to model-based approaches.
- Semantic and instance segmentation.