Volumetric Image Visualization

Prof. Alexandre Xavier Falcão

First semester of 2023

Data and library code to implement the tasks.
Task 1 - Simple data manipulation with linear stretching and color composition.
Task 2 - Maximum intensity project with an idea for the covid-19 problem.
Task 3 - Reslicing a scene.
Task 4 - Segmenting 3D objects from seed voxels.
Task 5 - Surface rendering with opaque color objects.
Task 6 - Surface rendering with transparent color objects.

Lecture notes
Lecture 01 - Introduction to the course.
Lecture 02 - Volumetric image acquisition.
Lecture 03 - Radiometric transformations and color compositions.
Lecture 04 - Geometric transformations (Part I).
Lecture 05 - Geometric transformations (Part II) --- projecting a wireframe.
Lecture 06 - Geometric transformations (Part III) --- maximum intensity projection.
Lecture 07 - Planar cuts, reslicing, and interpolation.
Lecture 08 - 3D object segmentation (Part I).
Lecture 09 - 3D object segmentation (Part II).
Lecture 10 - Object iso-surfaces and curvilinear cuts.
Lecture 11 - Phong's model and surface rendering.
Lecture 12 - Normal estimation for the Phong's model (Part I).
Lecture 13 - Normal estimation (Part II) and stereo surface rendering.
Lecture 14 - Surface rendering with object transparency.
Lecture 15 - Volume rendering.