Heisenberg was driving down the Autobahn whereupon he was pulled over by a policeman. The policeman asked, "Do you know how fast you were going back there? Heisenberg replied, "No, but I know where I am.""

Trabalho de Graduação --- Computação Quântica


Jair, Luiz, André, Francisco
Monografia final apresentada.



Entender os fundamentos da computaçõa quântica.

Carga horária: 60 Créditos: 4 Responsável: Jair.


  1. Quantum Computation Notas de aula , Umesh Vazirani
  2. Quantum Computation. Mini-Course, André Berthiaume. ps.gz
  3. Quantum Computation A Grand Mathematical Challenge for the Twenty-First Century and the Millennium, Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr.
  4. Quantum Computing and Shor's Algorithm, Matthew Hayward. pdf
  5. Quantum Computing, Shor's Algorithm, and Parallelism, Matthew Hayward. pdf
  6. Quantum Computing and Grover's Algorithm, Matthew Hayward. pdf
  7. Polynomial-time algorithms for prime factorization and discrete logarithms on a quantum computer, Peter Shor. pdf
  8. Quantum Computing, Peter Shor. pdf
  9. An Introduction to Quantum Computing for non Physicists, Rieffel and Polak.
  10. Computação quântica via ressonância magnética nuclear, Sarthour, Bulnes, Guimaraes, Belmote, Oliveira.
  11. Quantum Computation, Spring 2001, Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University, Dorit Aharonov.

Bibliografia complementar:

  1. An Exact Quantum Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Simon's Problem
  2. Quantum Algorithms for Element Distinctness
  3. Invariant Quantum Algorithms for Insertion into an Ordered List
  4. How many functions can be distinguished with k quantum queries?
  5. A fast quantum mechanical algorithm for database search
  6. Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer
  7. A Quantum Algorithm for Finding the Minimum
  8. A fast quantum mechanical algorithm for estimating the median
  9. Quantum Algorithms and the Fourier Transform
  10. Grover's quantum searching algorithm is optimal
  11. Quantum Mechanics and Algorithmic Randomness
  12. An Alternative Algorithm for the Database Search Problem on a Quantum Computer
  13. NP problem in quantum algorithm
  14. Arbitrary phase rotation of the marked state can not be used for Grover's quantum search algorithm
  15. Fast quantum algorithms for numerical integrals and stochastic processes
  16. Grover's Algorithm for Multiobject Search in Quantum Computing
  17. A Possible New Quantum Algorithm: Arithmetic with Large Integers via the Chinese Remainder Theorem
  18. A Quantum Algorithm for finding the Maximum
  19. Introduction to Quantum Algorithms
  20. The definition of a random sequence of qubits: from Noncommutative Algorithmic Probability Theory to Quantum Algorithmic Information Theory and back
  21. A Family of Grover's Quantum Searching Algorithms


  1. O que é computação quantica? - uma coleção de links.
  2. Quantum Computing Resources
  3. Quantum Computing Links
  4. The Home of the Home Pages Page This is a list of home pages owned by researchers working in the field of quantum computation...
  5. Laboratoire d'Informatique théorique et quantique
  6. Centre for Quantum Computation
  7. Institute for Quantum Information
  8. The Stanford-Berkeley-MIT-IBM NMR Quantum Computation project
  9. Quantum Information at IBM