
Breno de França

breno (at) ic (dot) unicamp (dot) br

Mihai Balea | Portfolio

Research Interests:

  • Software Engineering
  • Agile and Lean Software Development
  • Software Architecture and Microservices
  • Empirical Software Engineering
  • Simulation-Based Studies

Advisoring and Surpervision.

Students interested in doing research with me:

I'm looking for talented students, interested in both technical and social aspects of Software Engineering. As much as possible, the research is to be conducted into real (industrial) settings. Please contact me in advance, before your application to the Computer Science Program at UNICAMP.


All teaching resources available at Google Classroom for UNICAMP.



Banco de Dados: Teoria e Prática

Last offer: 2017-2
Course Plan



Projeto em Computação II

Last offer: 2017-1
Course Plan



Verificação, Validação e Testes

Last offer: 2018-1
Course Plan



Projeto de Sistemas de Informação

Last offer: 2018-2
Course Plan



Engenharia de Software

Last offer: 2019-1
Course Plan
  • My Work 6
  • My Work 6

My Work 6


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My Contribution:

  • Logo Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Images Editing
Year: 2010
See it live
MC536 Banco de Dados: Teoría e Prática
MC861 Projeto em Computação II
MC626 Verificação, Validação e Testes
MC437 Projeto de Sistemas de Informação
MC426 Engenharia de Software

Research Projetcs.

For more updated information on research activities, please see at LASER (Laboratory for Software Engineering and Reliability) web page.

Continuous Software Engineering supported by Experimentation

Related Topics:

  • Experimental Software Engineering
  • Lean/Agile Software Development
  • Microservices
  • Release Planning

Main Goal:

A Engenharia de Software Contínua é um segmento de denominação recente da Engenharia de Software cujos princípios estão embasados em métodos ágeis e lean de desenvolvimento. De maneira geral, este projeto envolve o estudo empírico e experimental das práticas voltadas para estratégias de negócios, desenvolvimento, e operação de software em uma visão holística, com a finalidade de prover evidências sobre os potenciais benefícios e limitações associados a estas práticas. Ainda, tecnologias são desenvolvidas para transferência de tecnologia para a indústria.

Year: 2017


Related Topics:

  • Self-Adaptive Systems
  • Cloud Computing
  • Microservices
  • Trustworthiness
Project Website

Main Goal:

ATMOSPHERE (Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring Hybrid, Ecosystem for Resilient Cloud Computing) aims to design and implement a framework and platform relying on lightweight virtualization, hybrid resources and Europe and Brazil federated infrastructures to develop, build, deploy, measure and evolve trustworthy, cloud-enabled applications.

Year: 2017

Contact Me!

You can find me also in Social Media:

@Copyright 2011-2012 Templatesbook.com | Developed&Designed by Mihai Balea | Blog

 Av Albert Einstein, 1251 (Cidade Universitária), 13083-852, Campinas, SP, Brasil
 (19) 3521-5866
breno @ ic . unicamp . br