/* ex1.s MC404 Oct 2012 Celio G ******************************************************* */ .syntax unified .text .align 2 .global main main: push {lr} ldr r0, =instr1 bl printf ldr r1, =num1 ldr r0, =scan_format bl scanf @ read number into num1 ldr r0, =instr2 bl printf ldr r1, =num2 ldr r0, =scan_format bl scanf ldr r1,=num1 ldr r1,[r1] @ retrieve first input ldr r2, =num2 ldr r2,[r2] @ retrieve 2nd input add r0, r1, r2 @ now store sum in r0 m ldr r3, =sum str r0, [r3] @The source r0 precedes the destination sub r0, r1, r2 @ compute the diference ldr r3, =difference str r0, [r3] @ save it mul r4, r1, r2 @ thumb requires overlap like mul r1, r1, r2 ldr r3, =product str r4, [r3] @ save product ldr r1, =sum ldr r1, [r1] ldr r2,= difference ldr r2, [r2] ldr r3, =product ldr r3, [r3] ldr r0, =out_format bl printf @ print sum, difference, product pop { pc} scan_format: .asciz "%d" out_format: .asciz "Sum: %d Difference: %d Product: %d\n" instr1: .asciz "Enter first integer: " instr2: .asciz "Enter second integer: " .data .align 2 num1: .word 0 num2: .word 0 sum: .word 0 difference: .word 0 product: .word 0 .end