Turbo C Quick Reference

Useful Function Keys

     Commands that are highlighted tend to be more useful.

Function Key   ctrl alt
F1  help menu    help index   previous help screen
F2  save file    
F3  open file    close active window
(escape also works)
F4  run program to cursor
(useful for debug) 
evaluate and modify a
 variable in runtime window 
inspect run time variable
in the editor window
F5  zoom/unzoom window  turn off window labels  switch to runtime window 
and back again
F6 switch window    
F7 single step
(including calls)
add watch expression  
F8 single step
(step over calls)
F9 make compile and run  
F10 menu commands    

Getting Help

Index:   Press the right mouse button and start typing the name you are
             looking for.
General Press F10 and cursor over to the Help menu bar item. Or, hit F1.

Compiling, Making and Running

To compile a progam without running it, hit F9.
To compile and run a program, hit ctrl-F9.
To view your program results after running (from the IDE), type alt-F5.


Use F4 to run your program to the line highlighted by the cursor.
Use the Window pull down menu item to display various registers.
Use ctrl-F7 to show the value of a variable while stepping through
   your program.
Use F7 (trace) or F8 (step over) to single step through your program
  while watching register contents and variable values.

Developed and maintained by F. J. Looft, fjlooft@ee.wpi.edu.