I am the coordinator of the Computer Systems Laboratory (LSC) but here are a list of students that I personnally advised (or co-advised).

PhD Students

  • Carla Cardoso Cusihuallpa (IC-UNICAMP), Co-advised by Guido Araújo. “Task Programming for Distributed Linear Algebra Computation”. Scholarship: Petrobras.
  • Remy Neveu (IC-UNICAMP), “Exploring Compilation Optimizations for Scientific Computing Applications based on Distributed Task Runtime”. Scholarship: CNPQ.
  • Rodrigo Ceccato de Freitas (IC-UNICAMP), “Design and implementation of collective operations in a Task-based Runtime”. Scholarship: Petrobras.
  • Pedro Ferrazoli Ciambra (IC-UNICAMP), “Exploring Dataflow-Optimized RISC-V-based Systems through an MLIR Compiler Infrastructure”. Scholarship: CAPES.

MSc Students

  • Vitoria Dias Moreira Pinho (IC-UNICAMP), Co-advised by Guido Araújo. “Performance analysis of scientific applications based on distributed task runtime”. Scholarship: Petrobras.

Undergrad Students

  • Jhonatan Cléto (IC-UNICAMP). Scholarship: Petrobras.
  • Bruno Tojo da Silva (IC-UNICAMP). Scholarship: Petrobras.



MSc Students

  • Rodrigo Ceccato de Freitas (IC-UNICAMP), “Implementation and optimization of broadcast communication in the OmpCluster task-based runtime”. 07/2022. Scholarship: Petrobras.
  • Pedro Ferrazoli Ciambra (IC-UNICAMP), “IaRa: Dataflow Programming with the MLIR Framework”. 08/2022. Scholarship: CNPQ.