Professor at the Institute of Computing - University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
juliana @ ic . unicamp . br
I am a faculty member of the Discovey Lab and my area of research focuses on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, with specific interests in wireless communication, access control protocols, network modeling and performance evaluation, and the Internet of Things.
You can find out more checking out my list of publications from Google Scholar and my complete CV (in Portuguese) from Lattes/CNPq.
MC714 - Distributed Systems: 1s2023, 1s2022, 1s2021, 1s2020, 1s2019
MC855 - Project in Computer Systems: 2s2022, 2s2021, 2s2020, 2s2019, 2s2018
MO629/MC953 - Internet of Things: 2s2023, 2s2022, 2s2021, 2s2020, 2s2019, 2s2018, 2s2017, 2s2015
MC102: Algorithms and Computer Programming: 1s2018, 1s2017, 1s2016, 1s2015, 2s2014, 1s2013, 2s2013