MO640 - Exercises - "Antedisciplinary" Science, Eddie 2005
Exercises marked with (*) require further reading/search or knowledge beyond the text.
- (*) View and summarize Terry Gillian's movie Brazil. Why are there two versions for the ending?
- (*) Why are people using sophisticated kits in wet labs?
- (*) What is a buffer?
- (*) What is bacterial chemotaxis?
- For the author, what is more important: interdisciplinary teams or interdisciplinary people? Why?
- (*) What is Schroedinger's What is life? and what was its impact?
- (*) Who were Watson and Crick?
- (*) Who were Max Delbrueck and Erwin Chargaff?
- For the author, what is the difference between computational biology and bioinformatics?
- (*) Is sir Isaac Newton indirectly referred to in the article?
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