MO640 - Exercises - C1P, Setubal and Meidanis 1997

Exercises marked with (*) require further reading/search beyond the suggested texts.

  1. Find a situation in the improved placement algorithm in which processing a new set in DFS creates no new class.

  2. Find a situation in the improved placement algorithm in which processing a new set in DFS creates all three types of classes: empty, full, and partial.

  3. Find a situation in the improved placement algorithm in which processing a new set in DFS destroys the C1P by not having and empty neighbor to place an uncolored subclass.

  4. Find a situation in the improved placement algorithm in which processing a new set in DFS destroys the C1P by not having all full classes consecutive.

  5. Find a situation in the improved placement algorithm in which processing a new set in DFS destroys the C1P by having a new class but not a full extremity in the path to place it.

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