MO640 - Exercises - PQR Trees, Meidanis, Porto, and Telles 1997

Exercises marked with (*) require further reading/search beyond the suggested texts.

3. Find the PQR tree for the collection in the previous exercise. (C = {he, dc, fb, dcifbg, ae, gb, ic, jc} under U = abcdefghij.)


The strictly overlapping graph for the collection is:

strictly overlapping graph

Starting from U0 = U and C0 = C, we can consider H0 = aeh, which is the union of a component in the graph. Performing the division, the next two U and C are obtained as follows:

U1 = aeh
C1 = {he, ae}
U2 = bcdfgijU1
C2 = {dc, fb, dcifbg, gb, ic, jc}

For U1 and C1 (which is prime) there is a linear order that demands e between a and h, so there should be a Q node with e in the center.

A set H2 for U2 can be bfg, so the next two U and C are:

U3 = bfg
C3 = {fb, gb}
U4 = cdijU1U3
C4 = {dc, dciU3, ic, jc}

For U3 and C3 (which is prime) there is a linear order that demands b between f and g, so there should be a Q node with b in the center.

The set H4 for U4 is cdijU3, so the next two U and C are:

U5 = cdijU3
C5 = {dc, dciU3, ic, jc}
U6 = U1U5
C6 = ∅

C5 is prime and non trivial, but it demands c to be between d and i, and consecutive to j as well, which is impossible. So there should be an R node including the elements of U5.

C6 is prime and trivial, so there should be a P node including U5 and U1, which are the elements of U6.

The resulting tree is:

PQR tree

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