The expected value Ex∼p[x] of a continuous distribution with probability density function given by p is the "average" value of a random variable with this distribution, and can be computed using the following formula:
Ex∼p[x]=∫∞−∞xp(x)dx .
Compute the expectation of the exponential distribution, whose density function is:
p(x;λ)=λ(1x≥0)exp(−λx) ,
for a given parameter λ>0, where the indicator function 1x≥0 is 1 if x is non-negative and 0 if x is negative.
We have:
Using integration by parts,
The first term vanishes, because both extremes evaluate to zero. For the second term, we have:
The expected value is therefore 1/λ.
The density function is positive for x≥0 only. In this domain, the density is strictly decreasing. It follows that the maximum value is found for x=0, and the value is λexp(−0)=λ.