- IEEE Communications Society Education Award, 2023.
- Academic Excellence Award, Institute of Computing, State University of Campinas, 2022.
- Academic Recognition Award Zeferino Vaz, State University of Campinas, 2018.
- Career Award in Computer Networks, Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Brazilian Computer Society, 2016.
- Academic Excellence Award, Institute of Computing, State University of Campinas, 2014.
- Academic Excellence Award, Institute of Computing, State University of Campinas, 2009.
- Medal of the Chanceler da Universita degli Studi di Pisa, Universita degli Studi di Pisa, 2007.
- Academic Recognition Award Zeferino Vaz, State University of Campinas, 2003.
- International Book Award, Office of International Students and Scholars, University of Southern of California, 1994.
- Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Communications Society, 2015-2018.
- Livre Docência, State University of Campinas, 1999.
- IEEE Communications Society Harold Sobol Award for Exemplery Services to Meetings and Conferences, IEEE Communications Society, 2020.
- Distinguished Service Award - IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Communications Technical Committee, IEEE Communications Society, 2016.
- Distinguished Service Award - IEEE Communications Society Communications Systems Integration and Modeling, IEEE Communications Society, 2016.
- IEEE Communications Society Joseph LoCicero Award for Exemplary Service to Publications, IEEE Communications Society, 2012.
- Latin America Region Distinguished Service Award, IEEE Communications Society, 2011.
- .Editor of Year 2001, Computer Networks Journal, Elsevier Science, 2001.
- M.Sc. First Thesis Contest, Brazilain Computer Society, 1988.
- WGRS/SBRC Alex Santos, Denis Rosário, Eduardo Cerqueira, Nelson Fonseca, A strategy to the reduction of communication overhead and overfitting in Federated Learning, 2021.
- Best Paper Award, IEEE TAOS TC, O. Ciceri, C Astrudillo, N. Fonseca, DBA Algorithm for Cooperative Resource Sharing among EPON Customers, IEEE COMSOC, 2020.
- Best Paper Microsoft Award artigo Oscar Ciceri, Carlos A. Astudillo e Nelson L. S. da Fonseca Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation with Multi-ONU Customer Support for Ethernet Passive Optical Networks, IEEE ISCC 2018, 2018.
- Fabio Neri Paper Award - runner-up, Holding-time-aware dynamic traffic grooming algorithms based on multipath routing for WDM optical networks, Optical Switching and Networking Journal – Elsevier, 2015.
- Best Paper Awared Juliana de Santi e Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, IEEE Communications Society Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems (TAOS) Technical Committee, 2014.
- IEEE Best of Globecom 2014 Session artigo J. Santi and N.L.S. da Fonseca "Energy-aware de-allocation of lightpaths in WDM networks", IEEE Communications Society, 2014.
- Best Paper Award "On the Usage of WiFi and LTE for the Smart Grid", 2014 7th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing and Workshops (UMEDIA), 2014.
- Honorary Mention, artigo J. Santi e N. L. S. da Fonseca Adoção de roteamento por múltiplos caminhos e agregação de tráfego em redes WDM para o consumo eficiente de energia, Brazilian Computer Society, 2013.
- Best Paper Award IEEE LATINCLOUD 2013, Artigo PEREIRA, W. F., Luiz F. Bittencourt, da Fonseca, N.L.S. Scheduler for Data-Intensive Workflows in Public Clouds, 2013.
- Honorary Mention Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, A. Pontes, N.L.S. Fonseca, A. Drummond "Aprovisionamento de Lightpath Inter-domínio baseado em PCE", Brazilian Computer Society, 2012.
- IEEE Globecom 2012 Best Paper Award - M.P. Dias and N.L.S. da Fonseca "'A Robust WiMAX Scheduler for EPON-WiMAX Networks", IEEE Communications Society, 2012.
- Honorary mention Paper G.P. Alkmim, D. M. Batista, N. L. S. da Fonseca "Mapeamento de Redes Virtuais em Substratos de Rede" Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks, Brazilian Computer Society, 2011.
- Best Paper Award M. P. Dias e N.L.S. da Fonseca, "Escalonador de Banda WiMAX para Redes Integradas EPON-WiMAX", Workshop on Broadband Access Networks, Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks, Brazilian Computer Society, 2011.
- Best Paper Award - IEEE Latin American Conference on Communications, 2011.
- Honorary Mention - artigo Figueiredo, G. B., Melo , C.A.V., Fonseca, N. L. S., "Montagem de Rajadas com Suavização de Tráfego em Redes Ópticas em Rajadas", Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, 2008.
- Honorary Mention, artigo: André Drummond, Nelson L.S. da Fonseca e M. Devetsikiotis,, "Uma Avaliação de Estimadores de Banda Passante Baseados em Medições", Wperformance, 2005.
- Honorary Mention, artigo: F. M. Pereira, N.L.S. Fonseca e D. S. Arantes, "Analise do Retardo fim-a-fim em Redes de Servidores Generalized Processor Sharing com Trafego Auto-Similar", Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, 2002.
- Ph.D. Thesis Hernani Delgado Chantre - Third place in the Ph.D. X Latin American Doctoral Thesis Contest, CLEI, 2024.
- Best Ph.D. Thesis Carlos Alberto Astudillo Trujillo - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, 2023.
- Best Ph.D. Thesis Rodrigo Augusto Cardoso da Silva - IX Latin American Doctoral Thesis Contest, CLEI, 2023.
- Ph.D. Thesis Rodrigo Augusto Cardoso da Silva - Third place in the Ph.D. Thesis Contest, Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Symposium, 2023.
- Ph.D. Thesis Carlos Alberto Astudillo Trujillo - VIII Latin American Doctoral Thesis Contest, CLEI, 2022.
- Best Ph.D. Thesis Felipe Forero Geometric Aspects and Random Delays in Probabilistic Broadcasting for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, CLEI VI Latin American Doctoral Thesis Contest, 2020.
- Honorary Mention M.Sc. Thesis Silvana Trindade, Thesis Contest, Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks, Brazilian Computer Society, 2020.
- Best Ph.D. Thesis Helder M. Oliveira, Thesis Contest, Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks, Brazilian Computer Society, 2019.
- Ph.D. Thesis Helder M. Oliveira – Thesis Contest, CLTD/CLEI. (2019)
- Best M.Sc. Thesis, Carlos Alberto Astudillo Trujillo, Institute of Computing -State University of Campinas, 2016.
- Best M.Sc. Thesis, Carlos Alberto Astudillo Trujillo, Thesis Contest, Brazilian Computer Society, 2016.
- M.Sc. Thesis, Tiago Pedroso da Cruz de Andrade, Thesis Contest, CLEI, 2014.
- M.Sc. Thesis, Dissertação de Mestrado de Gustavo Alkmim, Thesis Contest, Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks, 2013.
- M.Sc. Thesis Dissertação de Mestrado de Gustavo P. Alkmim premio Melhor Tese de Mestrado IC/STATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMPINAS, IC-STATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMPINAS, 2013.
- M.Sc. Thesis Dissertação de Mestrado de Gustavo P. Alkmim, Thesis Contest, CLEI-UNESCO, CLEI, 2013,
- Best M.Sc. Thesis Pedro Henrique Gomes da Silva, Thesis Contest, Institute of Computing – State University of Campinas, 2012.
- Ph.D. Thesis Andre C. Drummond, second place in Ph.D. Thesis Contest, BRAZILIAM COMPUTER SOCIETY, 2011.
- M.Sc. Thesis Daniel Macedo Batista, Thesis Contest, CLEI-UNESCO, 2007.
- Ph.D. Thesis Michele M. E. Lima, Thesis Contest, Brazilian Computer Society, 2006.
- M.Sc. Thesis Gustavo Bittencourt Figueiredo, Thesis Contest, CLEI-UNESCO, 2004.
- M.Sc. Thesis Hana Karina Salles Rubinsztejn, Thesis Contest, CLEI-UNESCO, 2002.
- M.Sc. Thesis César Augusto Viana Neto, Thesis Contest, CLEI-UNESCO, 2000.
- M.Sc. Thesis Dissertação Roberto de Almeida Façanha, Thesis Contest, Brazilian Computer Society, 1999.
- M.Sc. Thesis Roberto de Almeida Façanha, Thesis Contest, CLEI UNESCO, 1999.
- M.Sc. Thesis Marcelo Jesus Ferreira, Thesis Contest, CLEI, 1998.