About Me

I am a PhD student in Computer Science at IC-Unicamp under the supervision of Prof. Lehilton Pedrosa, of research group LOCo.
In my current research I investigate the computational complexity of approximating parameters in graphs with uncertainties (random weights, vertices with failure probabilities, and other such probabilistic features).
Research Interests
- Algorithms
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Approximation Algorithms
- Random Sampling (Monte Carlo methods)
Some of my previous activity
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at IME-USP (2012);
- Master’s degree in Computer Science at IME-USP (2016) under the supervision of Prof. Cristina Fernandes;
- Teaching positions at institutions of higher education (2017-2021), including Senac.
You can reach me by email: s233554@dac.unicamp.br