Geometry of Curves


What is it about

Keywords: Non-Euclidean geometry, geometry of curves, Visualization

GFViewer is a geometric tool for creating and manipulating objects in a non-Euclidean geometry, called GF geometry, which is comprised of lines which satisfy the first four but not necessarily the fifth Euclidean postulates. This tool allows for the visualization of geometric objects as well as the result of algorithms implemented therein. This system is currently under development at the Institute of Computing at UNICAMP (State University of Campinas).

Key Benefits

bullet real-time drawing of GF objects (with rubberband motion);
bullet display of the same objects under alternate families of curves;
bullet a small (but growing) set of geometric algorithms.


bullet You may read about GF-geometry in:
  1. This thesis: M. M. Harada. Convexidade e Proximidade em Geometrias não Euclidianas. Doctoral thesis, UNICAMP, 2000.

What is available

Nothing yet. We will provide an executable version (not so) soon.

License Terms

bullet Open Source License

GFViewer is available under an Open Source license. More exactly, it is under the GPL License. If you intend to modify or write your own software based on components of this GFViewer, make sure you read the GPL license and abide by the terms therein.


bullet Executable version of the GFViewer (to be available).

Contact Information

If you have questions not answered in these pages, feel free to contact us. However, we should point out that all the documentation we have available is posted here as soon as it becomes available.

People involved
  • Fábio D. C. Figueiredo
  • Mário M. Harada
  • Pedro J. de Rezende
  • Electronic mail
    General Information:
    Postal address
    Institute of Computing, UNICAMP, Campinas SP, Brazil
    +55 19 3521-5860
    +55 19 3521-5847


    (c) 1998-2008 Pedro J. de Rezende. Last modified: 2008.08.06.