@INPROCEEDINGS{80430, AUTHOR="Rodolfo Meneguette and Edmundo Madeira", TITLE="Uma arquitetura para a gerĂȘncia de mobilidade para redes veiculares com suporte a ambientes virtuais colaborativos", BOOKTITLE="SBRC 2011", ADDRESS="", DAYS="30-2", MONTH="may", YEAR="2011", ABSTRACT="Information technology and mobile communications are being widely used in Intelligent Transport System (ITS), through services for vehicle networks where the vehicle can interact with other vehicles or with an access point. Given the benefits and limitations of each technology, such cell and metropolitan networks, it becomes a challenge to effectively integrate these heterogeneous access networks to provide ubiquitous radio broadcasting services with broad coverage across the handoff. In this work an architecture for management of intra-and inter-system for wireless networks was developed to virtual environments, supporting collaborative virtual simulations, that will assist in the rescue or relief to an accident or even a game. Ns2 simulations were performed to compare the approach with and without the 802.21 protocol over the MIPv6, considering as base stations, Wifi and WiMax networks. As a result of this work we observed that the mechanism that used the 802.21 protocol had a low time of handover and low packet loss.", KEYWORDS="Computer Networks - Mobility; Computer Networks - Vehicular networks", }