Awards & Achievements


Human Rights Academic Recognition Award, Human Rights Academic Recognition Award: UNICAMP-Vladimir Herzog Institute, “Transformers-based Few-shot Learning for Scene Classification in Child Sexual Abuse Imagery” (Master thesis), M.Sc.: Thamiris Coelho


Top 2% of most-cited researchers in the world, according to the Stanford University, Elsevier list

Human Rights Academic Recognition Award, Human Rights Academic Recognition Award: UNICAMP-Vladimir Herzog Institute, “Leveraging Self-supervised Learning for Scene Recognition in Child Sexual Abuse Imagery” (Master thesis), M.Sc.: Pedro Valois


Google Awards for Inclusion Research, Google AIR 2022: Google Awards for Inclusion Research, “Dark Skin Matters: Fair and Unbiased Skin Lesion Models”

Top 2% of most-cited researchers in the world, according to the Stanford University, Elsevier list

Honorable Mention Award, ISIC Skin Image Analysis Workshop at ECCV’22, “An Evaluation of Self-supervised Pre-training for Skin-lesion Analysis”, Ph.D. student: Levy Chaves


Google Research Awards, Google LARA 2021: Latin America Research Awards, “The Quest for Generalization in Small Medical Datasets”, M.Sc. student: Levy Gurgel Chaves


Google Research Awards, Google LARA 2020: Latin America Research Awards, “Rethinking Automated Skin Cancer Classification with Unsupervised Representation Learning — Extension”, Ph.D. student: Alceu Bissoto

BRICS Young Scientist (Artificial Intelligence), 5th BRICS Young Scientist Forum

Scientific Merit, XXVIII Congresso {Virtual} de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, “#PraCegoVer: Automatic Image Audiodescription” Video, Undergraduate student: Gabriel Oliveira dos Santos

Best Master’s Thesis Award, Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), “Improving Skin Cancer Analysis with Generative Adversarial Networks”, M.Sc.: Alceu Bissoto

Honorable Mention Award, ISIC Skin Image Analysis Workshop at CVPR’20, “Debiasing skin lesion datasets and models? Not so fast”, Ph.D. student: Alceu Bissoto

Best Master’s Thesis Award, Concurso de Teses e Dissertações (CTD), Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde (SBCAS), “Análise de Lesões de Pele usando Redes Generativas Adversariais”, M.Sc.: Alceu Bissoto, Video


Google Research Awards, Google LARA 2019: Latin America Research Awards, “Improving Skin Cancer Classification with Generative Adversarial Networks — Extension”, Ph.D. student: Alceu Bissoto

Best Paper Award, ISIC Skin Image Analysis Workshop at CVPR’19, ”(De)Constructing Bias on Skin Lesion Datasets”, M.Sc. student: Alceu Bissoto

Prêmio Futuro Cientista, 13º Congresso Interinstitucional de Iniciação Científica (CIIC), “Detecção de Frutos em Viticultura utilizando Redes Neurais e a Base de Dados Embrapa WGISD”, Undergraduate student: Leonardo Lima De Souza


Scientific Merit, XXVI Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, “Pornographic Cartoon Video Detection through Deep Neural Networks”, Undergraduate student: Akari Ishikawa

Prêmio Futuro Cientista, 12º Congresso Interinstitucional de Iniciação Científica (CIIC), “Detecção Automática de Uvas e Folhas em Viticultura com uma Rede Neural YOLOv2”, Undergraduate student: Andreza Aparecida dos Santos

Google Research Awards, Google LARA 2018: Latin America Research Awards, “Improving Skin Cancer Classification with Generative Adversarial Networks”, M.Sc. student: Alceu Bissoto

Best Paper Award, ISIC Skin Image Analysis Workshop at MICCAI’18, “Data Augmentation for Skin Lesion Analysis”

Prêmio Inventores UNICAMP, Licensed Technology, “Multimodal and real-time method for sensitive media content filtering”

Best Poster Award (2nd place), International Educational Symposium of The Melanoma World Society, “Generating High Quality Synthetic Skin Lesions for Boosting Automated Screening”, PhD. student: Michel Fornaciali, M.Sc. student: Alceu Bissoto.

Most Cited Computer Vision and Image Understanding Articles (published since 2013), “Pooling in Image Representation: the Visual Codeword Point of View”


Honorable Mention, 12th Brazilian Conference on Melanoma, “Knowledge Transfer for Melanoma Screening with Deep Learning”

ISIC 2017 Challenge (3rd place), Skin Lesion Analysis Towards Melanoma Detection Part 3: Lesion Classification, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, RECOD Titans Team

Most Cited Computer Vision and Image Understanding Articles (published since 2012), “Pooling in Image Representation: the Visual Codeword Point of View”


Best Paper Award (2nd place), XII Computer Vision Workshop, “A Two-tier Image Representation Approach to Detecting Child Pornography”, M.Sc. student: Paulo Vitorino.

Best Poster Award (1st place), Ciências Exatas e da Terra, VIII Encontro de Iniciação em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação (EIDTI), Universidade Federal de Sergipe, “Combate ao Desperdício: Implementação da Logística de um Aplicativo para Doação de Alimentos”, Undergraduate students: Nívea Neyara Bomfim Melo e Davi Silva dos Santos

Most Cited Computer Vision and Image Understanding Articles (published since 2011), “Pooling in Image Representation: the Visual Codeword Point of View”

Most Cited Pattern Recognition Letters Articles (published since 2011), “VSUMM: A Mechanism Designed to Produce Static Video Summaries and a Novel Evaluation Method”


Most Cited Pattern Recognition Letters Articles (published since 2010), “VSUMM: A Mechanism Designed to Produce Static Video Summaries and a Novel Evaluation Method”


MediaEval 2014 Violent Scenes Detection Task (2nd place), YouTube Videos, MediaEval 2014 Workshop, “RECOD at MediaEval 2014: Violent Scenes Detection task”

Most Cited Pattern Recognition Letters Articles (published since 2009), “VSUMM: A Mechanism Designed to Produce Static Video Summaries and a Novel Evaluation Method”


ImageCLEF 2012 Flickr Photo Annotation Task (2nd place), Visual Information, Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF), “BossaNova at ImageCLEF 2012 Flickr photo annotation task”