#! /usr/bin/gawk -f
# Last edited on 2001-01-02 02:28:16 by stolfi

# Reads a file with records containing fields COUNT WORD. 
# Outputs the data in the format WORD(COUNT) WORD(COUNT)....

BEGIN { if (wd == "") { wd = 60; } }

/^[ ]*([#]|$)/ { next; }

/./ { 
  w = sprintf("%s(%d)", $2, $1); 
  if (lin == "") 
    { lin = w; }
  else if (length(lin) + length(w) + 1 > wd )
    { print lin; lin = w; }
    { lin = ( lin " " w ); }

END { if (lin != "") { print lin; } }