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1 koary sar cheekar qoar{qoor?} shor chapchy s chear char otchy - 2 oiir chor chckhy qotchar chear odaiiin kchey{tchey?} chor chaiin - 3 qoaiir ckhy chol q{?}o{?}chockhy chetchoy{chetchey?} cthy{ckhy?} okol{otol?} - s ychos - 4 yshcthy ytchoy sos y dady dchy dey okody{otody?} - ytody - 5 dair sha{shy?} chodam dam okor oty - dol dom =
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Locally normalized | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
Rank filtered | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
6 tchody shocthol shocthey{chocthey?} s - 7 ychos ychol daiin cthol dol - 8 ychor chor otchey{okchey?} qotam{qokam?} - 9 ocho{oeeo?} dal chor ctham{cthom?} s - 10 qotchod{qokchod?} ychear tchdy{kchdy?} - 11 lor char otam cthom dy - 12 ytchor shy qokam{qotam?} cthy - 13 yodaiin cthy s chor oees{ochs?} or - 14 qotor chol cthol tchalody - 15 chocthy{oeocthy?} s or chy sain or - 16 ochy cthar cthor{cthar?} cthy - 17 ychaiin ckhal cthodam dy - 18 ytchocthol ches{eees?} cthor - 19 ocholy kchor{tchor?} chy dor - 20 dchor choldar otol daiin - 21 ycheor chor octham =
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