Original | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
Locally normalized | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
Rank filtered | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
1 polyshy shey tchody qopchy otshol dy daiin tshodody - 2 chochy cthy daiin qoky chcphey daiin cthol cthy cthd - 3 qokchy dy kchy{tchy?} chkeey kshy ky ty dor cheey ol cheol dy - 4 chotain{choteeen?} ochar choschy dain shokshy shol{chol?} deees{dches?} dol - 5 dcho daiin qotchy cheey tcheey =
Original | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
Locally normalized | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
Rank filtered | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
6 kchor sheod sheodaiin shodaiin okshol chol dair qor{qos?} - 7 okshodain chor cheor odaiin shotch* - dol dol doraiin - 8 qotch{ee?}eo r cho cheeody qotchey tc*{te*?} - okchor daiin - 9 shokcho{choteeo?} daiin chotchy dor deol dy - dol daiin =
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