Original | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
Locally normalized | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
Rank filtered | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
1 cthod soocth{shared "t"} - sol shol otol chol opcheaiin opydaiin saiin - 2 shcthal sar - chor - sheaiin{dchaiin?} shor shykchy otaiin cty - 3 qody cheal sy - chory - chear shol chaiin shaiin dolar - 4 dshol shol - dol - chean cthar shealy daiin chary{charm?} - 5 chol chol dar - otchar ctaiin cthol dar - 6 daiin cthan - ytchy cho ykaiin dain ar - 7 cho kchol - dar shey cthar chotain ry - 8 okchol ksh - chol chol chol cthaiin dain - 9 chol orchl - chokchy chol cthor chaiin - 10 scharchy - oeesody{ochsody?} kchey pchy cpharom - 11 sorain =
Original | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
Locally normalized | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
Rank filtered | [JPEG] | [PGM/gzip] |
12 pchar cho rol dal - shear - chchotaiin{cheeotaiin?} chal daiin - 13 kchor otchar oky - chokain{chotain?} keoky otorchy satar - 14 shor{chor?} okol lokaiin - shol kol char cthey kchy ckham - 15 or chol chan cheky - chor cheain char cheeky chor ry - 16 chor cheor chear - otchy{oteey?} dchor chodey choraiin - 17 dain chear daiin =
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