__ # Page f79v from the "Biological" section of the Voynich manuscript # Last edited on 1998-07-13 06:21:28 by stolfi # # Transcription by John Grove ("V") (except that the isolated # line-initial "t"s in Grove's transcription have been converted back # to "p"s and reattached to the rest of the line.) ## <f79v> {$I=B $Q=M $P=J $L=B $H=2} # # Guy p212, Bennett p188 (he calls it f 80), Poundstone p193, Zimansky; # mermaid, parasol # Currier's language B, hand 2 # biological <f79v.P.1;V> poldshedy_ olkary_ qotolol_ otaldy_ otedol_ or_ olorol_ <f79v.P.2;V> qoteedy_ qokchey_ qoty_ lshey_ qokain_ shey_ qor_ chdy_ <f79v.P.3;V> dol_ sheol_ okchy_ qokain_ sheedy_ qokshedy_ qokedy_ otaram_ <f79v.P.4;V> qokeedy_ qokedy_ qotain_ sol_ chedy_ r_ chey_ qoky_ lchedy_ <f79v.P.5;V> qolkeedy_ qokedy_ qotol_ saiin_ ory_ qokedy_ oteedy_ lcheam_ <f79v.P.6;V> ycheckhey_ r_ ain_ chedy_ qokain_ chedy_ olshedy_ dar_ y_ tam_ <f79v.P.7;V> qokshey_ qokeedy_ qol_ kedy_ qokeedy_ qokain_ s_ olchedy_ <f79v.P.8;V> ychedy_ qotey_ okedy_ tedyol_ sheedy_ qokeey_ qoteedy_ lol_ <f79v.P.9;V> sor_ ol_ sheey_ qokeedy_ qokechey_ qol__ <f79v.P.10;V> pchedy_ lsheckhedy_ qokeey_ qokaiin_ olky_ opchedy_ tchedy_ <f79v.P.11;V> olcheey_ lchedy_ qolkeedy_ qokain_ chckhy_ otar_ ol_ kam__ <f79v.P.12;V> pshdy_ ofchdy_ qokedy_ qoteedy_ qokedy_ qoltedy_ qotedy_ oky_ <f79v.P.13;V> dain_ ar_ olshey_ dytain_ qokain_ checthy_ okeedy_ qokeedy_ ror_ <f79v.P.14;V> qokeey_ qokedy_ okeey_ qokol_ sheedy_ qokeedy_ r_ ol_ chey_ qokeedy_ <f79v.P.15;V> yteedy_ qokeedy_ qokain_ olkeey_ cheokain_ dy_ teey_ qokain_ <f79v.P.16;V> dol_ sheey_ qol_ olkshey_ qokeedy_ olkeedy_ qol_ okaiin_ oly_ <f79v.P.17;V> qol_ sheey_ chol_ ol_ dar_ qokaiin_ cheekey_ qoky_ otain_ oram_ <f79v.P.18;V> qokain_ sheey_ qokeey_ teey_ oteey_ lsheey_ qokeey_ olkeedy_ r_ chey_ <f79v.P.19;V> ykail_ shy_ qol_ ar_ shey_ qokedy_ qokedy_ qokedy_ dar_ olkain_ cham_ <f79v.P.20;V> dchedy_ lchey_ qety_ shedy_ okain_ ykees_ olkey_ oty_ shey_ qoly_ <f79v.P.21;V> d_ shey_ qokal_ sheedy_ sheky_ or_ ain_ otshdy_ dain_ cther_ aror_ <f79v.P.22;V> tshey_ ykeey_ r_ eatain_ oroiiin__ <f79v.P.23;V> tolkey_ okar_ ol_ okaiin_ okylor_ qokol_ okeedy_ dalary_ <f79v.P.24;V> y_ cheeas_ o_ oiin_ oeedy_ qotain_ chedy_ qokeey_ oteey_ qokeey_ lol_ <f79v.P.25;V> qokeey_ ol_ olshdy_ qotain_ oteedy_ olkain_ otshey_ sain_ ol_ <f79v.P.26;V> ykeedy_ okaiin_ dykaiin_ otedy_ dkeey_ tar_ ol_ otol_ oiiiny_ <f79v.P.27;V> odchey_ kar_ okain_ opar_ otain_ olkey__ <f79v.P.28;V> pchey_ ksheol_ qokain_ ofchedy_ otalshdy_ olkair_ otaiin_ okeedy_ <f79v.P.29;V> dain_ shey_ teedy_ lka_ opchedy_ qotedy_ otey_ tal_ dain_ oteey_ oty_ <f79v.P.30;V> qokain_ sheeky_ okar_ okey_ qokey_ tedy_ skain_ oteedy_ qoky_ <f79v.P.31;V> yshees_ aiin_ o_ ykeedy_ qokeedy_ qokar_ oteedy_ r_ ol_ tain_ <f79v.P.32;V> olkeey_ ol_ or_ ocheey_ ol_ ol_ o_ keeedy_ checkhy_ aror__ <f79v.P.33;V> por_ ar_ or_ yteey_ teey_ okar_ oshey_ qoky_ chey_ okeey_ ldy_ orol_ <f79v.P.34;V> ykeeey_ qokeey_ lshey_ qoky_ tchedy_ or_ sheedy_ otain_ sheor_ oly_ <f79v.P.35;V> qor_ cheey_ tain_ chl_ ol_ otol_ dain_ otain_ ol_ oteedy_ qokan_ <f79v.P.36;V> y_ sheey_ ol_ shey_ oltshsey_ sheepshey__ <f79v.P.37;V> pol_ ol_ shal_ tain_ okeey_ lkeey_ qokal_ otchsdy_ okeshdy_ <f79v.P.38;V> olkeeey_ qokeey_ okeedy_ shedy_ qokeey_ okain_ sheckhdy_ dag_ <f79v.P.39;V> qokeedy_ ykeey_ sheey_ or_ or_ aiin_ yefaiin_ chcthhy_ dar_ yty_ <f79v.P.40;V> qokees_ aiin_ okain_ ol_ oiin_ qokoin_ sheky_ qokeedy_ qokar_ ol_ <f79v.P.41;V> yshedy_ qokeey_ okain_ ol_ keey_ daldy_ chedy_ r_ aiin_ or_ ain_ <f79v.P.42;V> okchedy_ qokain_ sheky_ chedy_ ol_ aiin_ y_ daral__ # Color key: # # 8.500 or more bits # 7.500 to 8.499 bits # 6.500 to 7.499 bits # 5.500 to 6.499 bits # 4.500 to 5.499 bits # 3.500 to 4.499 bits # 2.500 to 3.499 bits # 1.500 to 2.499 bits # 0.500 to 1.499 bits # 0.000 to 0.499 bits # full text: 37811 characters (including fillers) # context: left = 1 right = 1 (order = 3) # alphabet size: actual = 21 # mean conditional entropy h_3: 0.794 bits/character