J.L.D. COMBA and J. STOLFI Affine Arithmetic and its Applications to Computer Graphics, SIBGRAPI'93, Recife, PE (Brazil), October 20-22 - (1993).

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Extensions of Affine Arithmetic: Application to Unconstrained.. - Messine   (Correct)

....and Bound algorithm, one tries to improve the known overestimate value f of the minimum by doing an evaluation of the function f at the center of the considered sub box X. After a short introduction on the standard affine arithmetic due to Andrade, Stolfy, Comba, de Figueiredo, Van Iwaarden, 2] [4], 6] 7] two new affine forms will be presented which try to deal with the difficulties generated by the use of standard affine arithmetic. Then some other extensions like a quadratic form will be introduced. To conclude, one shall show, on several polynomial samples, the efficiency of our new ....

....which use standard affine arithmetic ( 7] 2 Standard Affine Arithmetic Affine Arithmetic is a new approach to compute enclosure of the range of a given function f over a box X. It was introduced in 1994 by Andrade, Comba and Stolfy [2] and it was first applied on computer graphic problems [4] and surface intersections [6] Recently, these methods were introduced in Branch and Bound algorithm to improve the research of the unconstrained global optimum [7] Like generalized interval arithmetic introduced by Hansen [8] these techniques are developed to take into account the dependency ....

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J.L.D. COMBA and J. STOLFI Affine Arithmetic and its Applications to Computer Graphics, SIBGRAPI'93, Recife, PE (Brazil), October 20-22 - (1993).

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