Guibas, L. and Stolfi, J. 1985. General subdivisions and voronoi diagrams. ACM Transactions on Graphics 4, 2, 74--123.![]() |
....The tree is laid out using the allocation scheme presented in Figure 1. We report results for computing a tour for 32,767 uniformly distributed points in Figure 14. These results do not include the cost of the tree building phase. 6. 5 Building Voronoi Diagrams The Voronoi Diagram benchmark [Guibas and Stolfi 1985; Lee and Schachter 1980] generates a random set of points and computes a Voronoi Diagram for these points. The points are stored in a balanced binary tree sorted by X coordinate. To compute a Voronoi Diagram, the algorithm recursively computes Voronoi Diagrams of the two subtrees (thereby ....
Guibas, L. and Stolfi, J. 1985. General subdivisions and voronoi diagrams. ACM Transactions on Graphics 4, 2, 74--123.
.... of the best hamiltonian circuit 32K cities for the Traveling salesmen problem[24] MST Computes the minimum spanning tree of a graph[6] 1K nodes Bisort Sort by creating two disjoint bitonic sequences and 128K integers then merging them[8] Voronoi Computes the Voronoi Diagram of a set of points[19] 64K points EM3D Simulates the propagation electro magnetic waves 2K nodes in a 3D object[14] Barnes Hut Solves the N body problem using hierarchical methods [5] 8K bodies Perimeter Computes the perimeter of a set of quad tree encoded 4K x 4K image raster images [36] Health Simulates the Columbian ....
L. Guibas and J. Stolfi. General subdivisions and voronoi diagrams. ACM Trans. on Graphics, 4(2):74--123, 1985.
.... of the best hamiltonian circuit 32K cities for the Traveling salesman problem[20] MST Computes the minimum spanning tree of a graph[4] 1K nodes Bisort Sorts by creating two disjoint bitonic sequences and 128K integers then merging them[5] Voronoi Computes the Voronoi Diagram of a set of points[15] 64K points EM3D Simulates the propagation electro magnetic waves 40K nodes in a 3D object[10] Barnes Hut Solves the N body problem using hierarchical methods [3] 8K bodies Perimeter Computes the perimeter of a set of quad tree encoded 4K x 4K image raster images [29] Health Simulates the ....
L. Guibas and J. Stolfi. General subdivisions and voronoi diagrams. ACM Trans. on Graphics, 4(2):74--123, 1985.
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