(Enter summary)
Abstract: We wish to extract the topology from scanned maps. In previous work [GNY96] this was done
by extracting a skeleton from the Voronoi diagram, but this required vertex labelling and was
only useable for polygon maps. We wished to take the crust algorithm of Amenta, Bern and
Eppstein [ABE98] and modify it to extract the skeleton from unlabelled vertices. We find that by
reducing the algorithm to a local test on the original Voronoi diagram we may extract both the
crust and the skeleton... (Update)
Context of citations to this paper: More .... on Delaunay filtering can be found in [8] Subsequently, several variations that still only handle smooth closed curves were presented [5, 12] . Later, Dey, Mehlhorn, Ramos [6] extended this work to handle a collection of open and closed smooth curves. Their algorithm is also... .... p 2 has a sample point within distance f(p) Several other algorithms have been developed with this assumption of sampling density [5, 6, 10] . This sampling density condition can be satis ed for smooth curves in practice. However, nonsmooth curves with corners, i.e. points... Cited by: More
One-Pass Delaunay Filtering for Homeomorphic 3D Surface.. - Tr Nina Amenta (1999)
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BibTeX entry: (Update)
C. Gold. Crust and anti-crust: a one-step boundary and skeleton extraction algorithm. To appear in SoCG '99 http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/100454.html More @inproceedings{ gold99crust,
author = "Christopher M. Gold",
title = "Crust and Anti-Crust: A One-Step Boundary and Skeleton Extraction Algorithm",
booktitle = "Symposium on Computational Geometry",
pages = "189-196",
year = "1999",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/100454.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
Spatial Tessellations - Concepts and Applications of Voronoi.. (context) - Okabe, Boots et al. - 1992
A new Voronoi-based surface reconstruction algorithm
- Amenta, Bern et al. - 1998
Epsilon geometry: building robust algorithms from imprecise .. (context) - Guibas, Salesin et al. - 1989
GIS: A Computing Perspective (context) - Worboys - 1995
Principles of Geographical Information Systems for Land Reso.. (context) - Burrough - 1986
Surface reconstruction by Voronoi filtering
- Amenta - 1998
Continuous skeleton computation by Voronoi diagram (context) - Brandt, Algazi - 1992
Skeleton-space: a multiscale shape description combining reg..
- Ogniewicz - 1994
Overlay processing in spatial information systems (context) - Frank - 1987
The Voronoi diagram of curved objects (context) - Alt, Schwarzkopf - 1995
Cartographic data structures (context) - Peucker, Chrisman - 1975
Using the Voronoi tessellation for grouping words and multi-..
- Burge, Monagan
Extracting Words and Multi-part Symbols in Graphics Rich Doc..
- Burge, Monagan
Making do with finite numerical precision in spatial data st.. (context) - Nagy, Mukherjee et al. - 1990
Integrated skeleton and boundary shape representation for me.. (context) - Robinson, Colchester et al. - 1992
The Quad-Arc data structure (context) - Gold - 1998
Lessons for the design of polygon overlay processing from th.. (context) - Chrisman, Dougenik et al. - 1992
The crust and the beta-skeleton: combinatorial curve reconst..
- Amenta, Bern et al. - 1998
Three approaches to automated topology (context) - Gold - 1994
Voronoi methods in GIS (context) - Gold, Remmele et al. - 1997
Outside-in: an alternative approach to forest map digitizing.. (context) - Gold, Nantel et al. - 1996
A tractable approach to map overlay (context) - Pullar - 1994
A fully integrated geographical information system (context) - Herring - 1989
Dynamic data structures: the interactive map (context) - Gold
th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (context) - Ogniewicz, Ilg - 1990
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