(Enter summary)
Abstract: Design solutions for a program library are presented for combinatorial data
structures in computational geometry, such as planar maps and polyhedral surfaces.
Design issues considered are genericity, flexibility, time and space efficiency,
and ease-of-use. We focus on topological aspects of polyhedral surfaces. Edgebased
representations for polyhedrons are evaluated with respect to the design
goals. A design for polyhedral surfaces in a halfedge data structure is developed
following the generic ... (Update)
Context of citations to this paper: More ...data structure [20] or the quad edge [5] data structure are well known. For non manifolds meshes, these data structures need extensions [8] . We will assume that the data structure used to represent the set of edges efciently implements the edge access function e(v w) e(w,v )... ...mesh equivalent to coarse mesh. 2] data structure are well known. For non manifolds meshes, these data structures need extensions [4] . We will assume that the data structure used to represent the set of edges efficiently implements the edge access function #### #########,... Cited by: More
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0.5 : On the Design of CGAL, a Computational Geometry.. - Fabri, Giezeman.. (1999)
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4 : Edge-Based Data Structures for Solid Modeling in Curved-Surface Environments (context) - Weiler - 1985
4 : Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and the computation of V.. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
3 : A case study on the cost of geometric computing (context) - Schirra
BibTeX entry: (Update)
L. Kettner. Designing a data structure for polyhedral surfaces. In Proc. 14th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom., pages 146154, 1998. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/kettner97designing.html More @inproceedings{ kettner98designing,
author = "Lutz Kettner",
title = "Designing a Data Structure for polyhedral Surfaces",
booktitle = "Symposium on Computational Geometry",
pages = "146-154",
year = "1998",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/kettner97designing.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Design Patterns -- Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Soft.. (context) - Gamma, Helm et al. - 1995
Programming Language (context) - Stroustrup - 1997
LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing
- Mehlhorn, Naher - 1995
Primitives for the Manipulation of General Subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
The Standard Template Library
- Stepanov, Lee - 1995
Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications (context) - de Berg, van Krefeld et al. - 1997
An Introduction to Solid Modeling (context) - Mantyla - 1988
STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the S.. (context) - Musser, Saini - 1996
A Polyhedron Representation for Computer Vision (context) - Baumgart - 1975
Edge-Based Data Structures for Solid Modeling in Curved-Surf.. (context) - Weiler - 1985
The CGAL Kernel: A Basis for Geometric Computation
- Fabri, Giezeman et al. - 1996
Finding the Intersection of two Convex Polyhedra (context) - Muller, Preparata - 1978
Designing the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library CGAL (context) - Overmars - 1996
Geometric and Solid Modeling -- An Introduction (context) - Hoffmann - 1989
Traits: a New and Useful Template Technique (context) - Myers - 1995
Large Scale C++ Software Design (context) - Lakos - 1996
Object Model (context) - Lippman - 1996
Maintaining Winged-Edge Models (context) - Glassner - 1991
Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide (context) - Computer, Inc - 1997
The Virtual Reality Modeling Language Specification: Version (context) - Reality, Specification et al. - 1996
Getting Started with CGAL (context) - Giezeman, Veltkamp et al. - 1997
Line-Sweep auf einem Gitter (context) - Hoffmann - 1996
The LEDA User Manual, Version 3.5. LEDA Software GmbH (context) - Mehlhorn, Naher et al. - 1997
Geomview Manual: Geomview Version (context) - Phillips - 1994
Vorlesung uber die Theorie der Polyeder (context) - Steinitz, Rademacher - 1934
for Information Systems -- Programming Language C++. ANSI X3.. (context) - for, International - 1996
Polyhedral Surfaces (context) - Kettner - 1998
VRML The Virtual Reality Modeling Language: Version (context) - Bell, Parisi et al. - 1995
Part 3: Support Library (context) - Manual - 1997
Part 2: Basic Library (context) - Manual - 1997
The graph only includes citing articles where the year of publication is known. Documents on the same site (http://dinis.inf.ethz.ch/personal/kettner/pub/): More
A Classification Scheme of 3D Interaction Techniques - Kettner (1995)
One Sided Error Predicates in Geometric Computing - Kettner, Welzl (1998)
Applications of the Generic Programming Paradigm.. - Brönnimann.. (1998)
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