(Enter summary)
Abstract: . Algebraic specifications allied to rewriting are used more and more
often in design and logical prototyping of programs. We show how these techniques
can be applied to a basic problem in computational geometry, namely
the construction of planar subdivisions. We build up a simple, complete and
convergent system of rules to cope with this problem and show how it is transformed
to describe concrete and efficient algorithms such as plane-sweep ones.
1 Introduction
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BibTeX entry: (Update)
@inproceedings{ cazier96rewritingbased,
author = "David Cazier and {Jean-Francois} Dufourd",
title = "Rewriting-based derivation of efficient algorithms to build planar subdivisions",
booktitle = "12th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics",
editor = "Werner Purgathofer",
pages = "45--54",
year = "1996",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/1444.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Rewrite systems
- Dershowitz, Jouannaud - 1990
Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
Algebraic specifications (context) - Wirsing - 1990
Algorithms for reporting and counting geometric intersection.. (context) - Bentley, Ottmann - 1979
An optimal algorithm for intersecting line segments in the p.. (context) - Chazelle, Edelsbrunner - 1992
volume 6 of EATCS Monograph on Theoretical Computer Science (context) - Ehrig, Mahr et al. - 1985
Plane-sweep algorithms for intersecting geometric figures (context) - Nievergelt, Preparata - 1982
Incremental computation of planar maps
- Gangnet, Herv'e et al. - 1989
Proving termination (context) - Bevers, Lewi - 1993
Formal specification of interactive graphic programming lang.. (context) - Mallgren - 1982
Topological models for boundary representation : a compariso.. (context) - Lienhardt - 1991
CVGIP : Graphical Models and Image Processing (context) - Bertrand, Dufourd et al. - 1994
A rewrite system to build planar subdivisions (context) - Cazier, Dufourd - 1995
Using geometric rewrite rules for solving geometric problems.. (context) - Bruderlin - 1993
Formal specification of a small example based on GKS (context) - Duce, Fielding et al. - 1988
A digitization algorithm for the entry of planar maps (context) - Dufourd, Gross et al. - 1989 Documents on the same site (http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/~wp/SCCG96-proceedings/): More
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D structured meshes for the FEM - Kolcun Stav
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